
Avoid Being a Victim for Burglars

Real Estate Agent with American Dream Colorado

Avoid Being a Victim for Burglars.

I came across this interesting infographic in the Washington Post recently called “Anatomy of a Burglary,” which reveals some fascinating statistics about break-ins, including a few ways to protect your valuables and deter thieves.


Some interesting facts:


  • Most burglaries occur between 10AM and 3PM.
  • The typical house burglar is a male teenager who lives within a couple of miles of your home.
  • Burglars spend on an average between 8 and 12 minutes inside your home.


Not only did the graphic detail the most common entry points for a burglar, but it also offered these helpful tips for protecting your home:


  • A home with a security system is 3 times less likely to be broken into than a home without a security system. (Even if you don’t have one, buying the stickers for them can deter an amateur.)
  • Consider alternatives to the master bedroom for hiding valuables. It’s the first place most burglars go.
  • Burglars want to spend fewer than 60 seconds breaking in. Anything you can do to lengthen that time will increase the likelihood they’ll pass on your house.
  • The appearance of an unoccupied home is what typically attracts burglars. Not bringing the garbage cans back up a few days after trash day can be a big sign you’re not around.


For a detailed look at the infographic, visit the Washington Post site.

Protect your home and your valuables! Common sense is often enough to keep you from becoming a victim.  And remember: Keep an inventory of your possessions for insurance purposes.


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Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly Right Real Estate
Kelly Right Real Estate - Hood River, OR
Customized Choices for your Real Estate Needs

Great information for anyone. Our three big dogs supplement our security system. I don't think we have much of anything worth facing them, plus they make so much noise when anyone is near, it would scare anyone off.


Dec 20, 2011 12:17 PM