
Realtor's Toughness: Do we have it?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with HHMC Hollywood Homes by MC

Realtor’s Toughness:  Do you have it?

Note: Take a self- evaluation of your toughness-on a scale from 1 to 10-where are you?


As Movers and Shakers in Real Estate and in these trying and difficult times, we must evaluate our level of “Toughness.” Do we really have the toughness to endure to the end?

First, let’s simplify: “Tough” refers to:

1.       Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions

2.       Able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking apart

3.       Strong and resilient:

4.       Someone or something strong and flexible

5.       Rugged, harsh or hard to chew or cut through.


To clarify my point, I believe there are 4 types of  “toughness” realtors need to be aware: ”

1.       Mental toughness

2.       Emotional toughness

3.       Physical toughness

4.       Spiritual toughness


Mentally tough refers to:

Having the psychological edge that allows one to perform at peak maximum effort and efficiency during the demands that are placed on them during training, practice, or competition. Specifically, when the demands are greatest or the conditions become adverse.

Whenever the demands are the greatest is when the characteristics of mental triumph are the most evident. Some of the many characteristics that are evident include: · Self-confidence · Self-motivation · Focus · Concentration · Composure · Calmness · Poise · Self- control · Positive Energy · Determination · Persistence · Leadership

Emotionally Tough refers to:

Someone has the ability to function, and move on with life when life throws a curb. Being emotionally tough means one is able to distinguish feelings from thoughts and then evaluate the importance of the two by questioning: Where’s the evidence for thinking and feeling this way?  Be committed to managing and controlling your feelings and at the same time-do not allow your feelings to control your behaviors. They still feel the pain like everyone else, but doesn't show it in an unstable way. Being able to be committed to being emotionally tough in the darkest days.

Physical Toughness refers to:

Setting and defining  goals and expectations for becoming physically tougher via regular exercise.  Also physical toughness can be define several other ways:

1.       Ability to withstand a series of strikes and kicks

2.       Being able to  focus and concentrate

3.       To increase the body's ability to withstand physical pain and discomfort.

4.       Perform every workout or training session with 100-percent effort

5.       Be able to withstand higher levels of intensity during the workout

Spiritual Toughness refers to

Spiritual toughness is the ability to withstand the temptations of life; in addition to be committed to do what is Right, Just and Fair.  It is having the wisdom from above that gives you insight to know what to do, when to do it, how to do it-who to do it with and the courage to do it God’s way.  It is all about seeking after Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge to help us along the journey of life..

In developing spiritual toughness, one may want to re-evaluate or let go of the some of the sayings, such as:

·            I can handle life by myself, I don’t need any help.

·          • I am the captain of my soul and the leader of my universe.

·          • I create my own truth out of my experience.

·            I will live life my way.

·            Nobody can tell me what to do, where to go, or how to be.

I believe actualizing these 4 areas of toughness can and will make a difference in moving us to the next level-that strategic inflection point. A time of change and transition is here which may involve new situations and risks.

I am a firm believer in the saying of General H. Norman Schwarzkoff; He says: “When placed in command-take charge.”   I will close with “Leadership is action, not position.” Donald H. McGannon.  Let’s take charge!  It is time for action!  I’m ready are you?

What say you?  Share your thoughts.  In the mean time, Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, 2012.

Hollywood Homes by MC

Los Angeles CA. 90028

MC Griffin Campbell, Broker/Owner:  License #: 01819507

Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) Certification

Seniors Real Estate Specialist Designation (SRES); MFT, M.Div.

323-382-4364: 323-464-5431





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David Gibson CNE, 719-304-4684 ~ Colorado Springs Relocation
Colorado Real Estate Advisers LLC - Colorado Springs, CO
Relocation, Luxury & Lifestyle residential
I was going to click on “Suggest” but it looks like someone beat me to it. Very nice post.
Dec 21, 2011 09:09 AM
Phil Holm
Edina Realty - Edina, MN

Mc Griffin- Well thought out blog.  I love the 4 areas of toughness you outline   Mental toughness, Emotional toughness, Physical toughness, and Spiritual toughness.  No doubt you have the toughness to survive & thanks for the refresher course reminding me that I'm captain of my own ship. 

Dec 21, 2011 09:11 AM
Margaret Goss
@Properties - Winnetka, IL
Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate

One needs to be "tough" in all 4 areas to succeed in real estate - actually, I think it would be ideal for any endeavor in life.  Being tough does not mean being mean or harsh, it's a way of living your life that helps you deal with its unexpected twists and turns.  Interesting post.

Dec 21, 2011 09:16 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Not everyone is cut out to wear the blue and gold "R". Does not make them bad or weak. Just not suited for total commission sales, not driven to be thinking about saving steps, running a business all the time. Adjust the sails to have the sales. Win more trips to a seat at the real estate closing conference room table game of musical chairs.

Dec 21, 2011 09:19 AM
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly Right Real Estate
Kelly Right Real Estate - Hood River, OR
Customized Choices for your Real Estate Needs

Being tough is so important to being successful in any business, but also in our personal lives. I think I'm tough in some ways, but not in others and think I could be more successful if I could round myself out and become tough in all four of your areas. Thanks for the advice.


Dec 21, 2011 09:31 AM
Kerry Lucasse
eXp Realty - Urban Nest Real Estate Group - Atlanta, GA
Your Urban Nest Atlanta Real Estate Consultant

Today my "people pleaser" personality had to toughen up a bit in order to overcome a very difficult situation.  As Margaret mentioned above, being tough doesn't have to mean that you are being harsh or mean.  Sometimes you just have to stand your ground.

Dec 21, 2011 10:00 AM
Jennifer Chiongbian
Specializing in all types of Manhattan apts & townhouses - Manhattan, NY
Real Estate Broker - NYC

Real Estate brokers really need tough skin to survive in this arena.  I love how people think that it is such an easy job with easy money.  Great post!

Dec 21, 2011 11:08 AM
Chris Lewis
Gracious Living Realty - Front Royal, VA
I want to SELL your home, not LIST it!

I'm with you until you get to spiritual.  We don't all feel the need to "believe" in order to work ethically and abide by a moral code.  These things are fundamental in all societies, not just those concerned with theism, and certainly not just with Christian religions.  I originate from England, where people are far less religious than in the American society (about 3% actually go to church on a regular basis) and the people there are no less honest, hard-working and self-sufficent.

Dec 21, 2011 11:17 AM
Chuck Beaumont
Royal Lepage Binder Real Estate - Windsor, ON
Going The Extra Mile...

It would almost make sense that realtors should go through some form of screening before starting all the schooling to become licensed. It is the “Toughness” you mention that I believe makes a huge difference in this industry. It would do the industry a big service in the way that there may not be as many realtors getting out of the business after just two years, when they finally realize the demands of the profession. I believe those reality shows portray the business as being easy money, part time hours, and the life of leisure. Surprise!

Dec 21, 2011 12:12 PM
Bob Miller
Keller Williams Cornerstone Realty - Ocala, FL
The Ocala Dream Team

Hi Mc,  You have to be tough in this business and especially in this market.  Much success to your in 2012!

Dec 21, 2011 12:17 PM
Eric Michael
Remerica Integrity, Realtors®, Northville, MI - Livonia, MI
Metro Detroit Real Estate Professional 734.564.1519

Heck yeah we have it!                                                                               

Dec 21, 2011 01:16 PM
Jimmy Phan
Phan real estate group in hickory

Hi MC:

we all have to be tough to be in this business.

people always said real estate is "got it made" until they got involve in the transaction and have to deal with all difficulties and adversities.

well written post...

Happy Holidays

Dec 21, 2011 02:02 PM
Hank Miller, SRA
Ansley Real Estate/Christie's International - Roswell, GA
Associate Broker & Certified Appraiser
Well said Chris 11, when I run into anyone that feels compelled to announce any sort of religious affiliation, my guard goes up. Just like when someone tells me "let me be honest..." Really? As for all the other toughness talk, do we have a choice? They call it life. As Churchill said "remain calm, carry on"
Dec 21, 2011 02:12 PM
Brian Madigan
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage (Toronto) - Toronto, ON
LL.B., Broker

Leadreship requires decision-making. It doesn't even matter if the decision is incorrect. Positive action makes good sense.

Dec 21, 2011 02:16 PM
Digital Digital
Alachua, FL
full service

Congrats on this well deserved feature!
Great reminder to keep striving for excellence!
Very timely post as we approach a new year.
All the best and may all your dreams come true in 2012!


Dec 21, 2011 03:54 PM
Charlie Dresen
The Group, Inc - Steamboat Springs, CO
Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro

Great post and certainly true on all 4 types of toughness. You are only as strong as your weakest link, so having good command of all 4 areas is important. I admire the "when placed in command - take charge" quote...there's nothing worse than a leader who doesn't lead. Great thoughts heading into 2012. Thanks and happy holidays!

Dec 21, 2011 11:09 PM
Blaine Williamson
McClain-Williamson Realty - Cambridge, MD

If you are still a full time agent that has not given up, you are tough!

Dec 22, 2011 12:12 AM
Frank Rubi
Frank Rubi Real Estate, LLC - Metairie, LA

MC, I agree with the Mental Toughness. We need leadership which with everything else make us Americans Tougher. We stand up when times are hard and tough. Leadership will bring us to the next level. Leadership toughness will carry us as did Pres. Roosevelt who walked or appeared to walked in front of the World when now a day we know he did not due to his Polo. Toughness is truely needed now days.

Dec 22, 2011 04:11 AM
Eric Kodner
Wayzata Lakes Realty: Eric Kodner Sells Twin Cities Homes - Minnetonka, MN
Wayzata Lakes Realty: Twin Cities, Madeline Island

I don't worry much about being "tough". In this market, it seems to me the more important qualities in an agent would be empathy and good listening skills.  Sellers in particular have experienced plenty of hard knocks and tough situations.  They need the assistance and counsel of someone who can identify with their worries and hopes.

Dec 22, 2011 04:11 AM
Kim Boekholder Utah Real Estate/ PECO
Results Real Estate 801.580.5624 - Draper, UT
Broker Results Real Estate/Leasing Specialist PECO

I know I've toughened up over the last 8 years but there are still days I wonder if I'm tough enough.  Some scenarios still knock me off my feet.   Great job putting this together, glad to see how many people commented on it! congrats 

Dec 22, 2011 03:26 PM