Realtor’s Toughness: Do you have it?
Note: Take a self- evaluation of your toughness-on a scale from 1 to 10-where are you?
As Movers and Shakers in Real Estate and in these trying and difficult times, we must evaluate our level of “Toughness.” Do we really have the toughness to endure to the end?
First, let’s simplify: “Tough” refers to:
1. Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions
2. Able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking apart
3. Strong and resilient:
4. Someone or something strong and flexible
5. Rugged, harsh or hard to chew or cut through.
To clarify my point, I believe there are 4 types of “toughness” realtors need to be aware: ”
1. Mental toughness
2. Emotional toughness
3. Physical toughness
4. Spiritual toughness
Mentally tough refers to:
Having the psychological edge that allows one to perform at peak maximum effort and efficiency during the demands that are placed on them during training, practice, or competition. Specifically, when the demands are greatest or the conditions become adverse.
Whenever the demands are the greatest is when the characteristics of mental triumph are the most evident. Some of the many characteristics that are evident include: · Self-confidence · Self-motivation · Focus · Concentration · Composure · Calmness · Poise · Self- control · Positive Energy · Determination · Persistence · Leadership
Emotionally Tough refers to:
Someone has the ability to function, and move on with life when life throws a curb. Being emotionally tough means one is able to distinguish feelings from thoughts and then evaluate the importance of the two by questioning: Where’s the evidence for thinking and feeling this way? Be committed to managing and controlling your feelings and at the same time-do not allow your feelings to control your behaviors. They still feel the pain like everyone else, but doesn't show it in an unstable way. Being able to be committed to being emotionally tough in the darkest days.
Physical Toughness refers to:
Setting and defining goals and expectations for becoming physically tougher via regular exercise. Also physical toughness can be define several other ways:
1. Ability to withstand a series of strikes and kicks
2. Being able to focus and concentrate
3. To increase the body's ability to withstand physical pain and discomfort.
4. Perform every workout or training session with 100-percent effort
5. Be able to withstand higher levels of intensity during the workout
Spiritual Toughness refers to
Spiritual toughness is the ability to withstand the temptations of life; in addition to be committed to do what is Right, Just and Fair. It is having the wisdom from above that gives you insight to know what to do, when to do it, how to do it-who to do it with and the courage to do it God’s way. It is all about seeking after Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge to help us along the journey of life..
In developing spiritual toughness, one may want to re-evaluate or let go of the some of the sayings, such as:
· I can handle life by myself, I don’t need any help.
· • I am the captain of my soul and the leader of my universe.
· • I create my own truth out of my experience.
· I will live life my way.
· Nobody can tell me what to do, where to go, or how to be.
I believe actualizing these 4 areas of toughness can and will make a difference in moving us to the next level-that strategic inflection point. A time of change and transition is here which may involve new situations and risks.
I am a firm believer in the saying of General H. Norman Schwarzkoff; He says: “When placed in command-take charge.” I will close with “Leadership is action, not position.” Donald H. McGannon. Let’s take charge! It is time for action! I’m ready are you?
What say you? Share your thoughts. In the mean time, Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, 2012.
Los Angeles CA. 90028
MC Griffin Campbell, Broker/Owner: License #: 01819507
Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) Certification
Seniors Real Estate Specialist Designation (SRES); MFT, M.Div.
323-382-4364: 323-464-5431