Practicing real estate services for 11 years I have always earned rave reviews from clients for exceptional work, attentive service, desired results, and follow through. Now, in addition to my personal standards of excellence, I consciously desire and strive toward change within our INDUSTRY for improved public perception of our ethics, standards of practice, knowledge, expertise, integrity and trustworthyness, and the ability to serve as a powerful resource for clients like no other resource.
I believe the word Realtor (or a new word we could invent to impart this concept) should describe real estate practiioners as a unique resource, UNMATCHED, UNCOMPARABLE PROFESSIONALS willing and capable of assisting and guiding people in the accomplishment of their critical goals for life events relating to real estate. Inherent in this description would be the understanding that any conflicts of interest will be acknowleged and remedied to clear the way for the dispensation of our exellent services.