The Tenants You Love So Much Are Actually Hurting Your Chances of Selling Your Home
We've all had them - the showing with Tenants From Hell. If you live in a state like Massachusetts, where Tenant Rights reign supreme, you probably know what I mean. Like a scene from the movie Pacific Heights, I've got a seller client who just can't seem to get rid of these nuisance tenants.
I took this listing a few weeks back. The kids inherited the home from their father and, after renting it out for a couple of years, decided to put it on the market. Not the best timing, they knew, but they also weren't looking for more than what the current market will bear. Oh, and there was a tenant in the house - shouldn't be a problem to schedule showings, though because she was a good tenant. She always paid her rent on time and never caused any problems.
"Can I get in to take some pictures?" I asked.
"Sure, just give the tenant a call and work out a time." came the response.
This is where the trouble began. I have been constantly hampered in scheduling appointments because the tenant doesn't feel like letting me show it. She plans to move out (she's buying a foreclosure), but this has been going on since before I took the listing. On the few occasions that I have been inside the home, I can't begin to describe the deplorable conditions that this home is in. I think that it's so bad, even the cockroaches won't stop by to visit.
We're selling the home for the value of the land. Realistically, the home is a complete gut renovation. The ceiling height isn't up to current Code, the electrical is still knob and tube wiring with fuses, the roof is old and the siding is asbestos shingles. But, prospective buyers still want to get in to see the home, so I have to accommodate their wishes.
Occassionally, I've reached out to the seller to let him know about the problems that I have been encountering. The last time was when the tenant moved my sign to another side of the yard where it was less visible. Today, I have a showing scheduled. I have tried to be optimistic with the buyers agent, but also realistic in what they might see.
However, I wasn't prepared for yesterday's text message from the tenant....
" Sorry I forgot to respond. Tomorrow should be ok. FYI, my kids are sick with a stomach virus so there is a bit of a barf smell in the house. Please text us when done..."
Ewww. what kind of people are these that they can't either have the decency to clean the place up for showings or be up-front and tell me that the timing isn't right for a showing?
Sellers. Do you know what your tenants are up to?