
Homes for sale in Sacramento county

Real Estate Agent with Realty First 01125228

There are fewer homes for sale in Sacramento as of the end of November 2011 compared to November 2010. There were 5556 homes for sale back in November 2010. There are 3570 homes for sale in Sacramento at the end of November 2011. That is a 35% drop in the inventory of homes for sale in just one year. The number of available homes for sale has dropped every month for 2011. There is a 2.5 months supply of homes for sale as of November 2011. When the market has less than 3 months supply of homes for sale it is considered a sellers market. Todays buyers will notice that when they look at homes for sale, the first question they  might ask is how many offers do you have on the property? Many of the homes for sale right now are getting multiple offers if they are priced correctly. I think the banks are purposely slowing the release of homes for sale because they are the primary home owners in the Sacramento area. They dont want their assets to lose values anymore so they are limiting the supply of homes for sale in Sacramento. If you are a buyer looking for a home in Sacramento in 2012, you should know the market so that you can make an offer on a home quickly. If you are searching for a home for sale in Sacramento then you can go to


Nicole Needham
Needham Realty - Winters, CA
SFR (530) 302-5478


2012 is going to be a great year in the Sacramento area. We were founded in Sacramento 50 years ago,but the last ten years have been move active in southern Nevada. 2012 marks the return to the Sacramento market for Needham Realty. Look forward to doing business with you this year.

Jan 03, 2012 05:59 AM
Bob & Leilani Souza
Souza Realty 916.408.5500 - Roseville, CA
Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments

Gordon, I just wanted to stop by and let you know about an upcoming AR MeetUp in Roseville:

Sacramento Area ActiveRain MeetUp #3 - Roseville, CA - Friday, 4/20/12 (3pm)


Apr 17, 2012 07:38 PM