Because when good agents recommend certain lenders, those lenders are thought to be competent and effective and get the job done — on time. Excellent lenders do not call the day before a scheduled closing with unwelcome surprises about the loan processing or the appraisal. They do not disappoint clients because they did not complete their work on schedule, or in a timely manner.
That means: Closing day isn’t postponed because of a lender's time management issues.
We recommend certain lenders because they offer reasonable rates and fees and facilitate smooth closings without abrupt surprises. We recommend certain lenders because they have reputations for completing their work on time and for communicating well with clients throughout the process and especially when unexpected issues arise. We recommend lenders because they have proven capability to process loans in a timely manner and work through unwelcome surprises early in the process. We recommend certain reputable lenders because we have experienced their quality delivery of services in the past and expect they will deliver quality service to our clients again and again.