
I Believe

Services for Real Estate Pros with Keller Williams Realty Gulf Coast Your Resource inPensacola

I believe we should all use our bikes much more.

I believe street dances and parking lot line dancing should occur waaaay more often!

I believe  baby animals, great storytellers, bon fires, and living 40% of life outside are the secrets to happiness

I believe  piano jazz goes well with preparing dinner.

I believe everyone should at least grow their own lettuces in a table-height garden box near your back door and harvest regularly to enhance your meals.

I believe everyone should choose a home they can easily afford

I believe performing random kindnesses is extremely important because you never REALLY know how depressed someone is, or what they are going thru.

I believe that if you eat enough raw fruits and vegetables, drink pure water, and take plenty of vitamins and minerals your body will heal itself of almost any ailment.



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Charlie Ragonesi - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros

I believe I really like this post and found it very positive. you put a smile on my face thank you

Jan 06, 2012 03:39 AM
Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner
Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395 - Mission Viejo, CA
Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395

I like the lettuce idea. Have a hard time remembering to water my plants....sigh

Jan 06, 2012 03:40 AM
Lydie Ouellet Dickinson
Realty Executives Tri County, Bellingham MA - Bellingham, MA

Paula, I love it and also believe all you have written.

Including the lettuce at my window. There's a project I'd love and should do!

Jan 06, 2012 03:42 AM
Paula Pitts
Keller Williams Realty Gulf Coast - Pensacola, FL

Lydie,    I see those words, "Bellinham, MA"   under your name ---  I cannot imagine.    I have  never lived in snow.  I think the few 30 degree nights we have had lately will hold us for another year!  Hope you have a big wood stove or heatalating fireplace.     Thank you for the nice comment.

Jan 06, 2012 04:53 AM
Wayne Zuhl
Remax First Realty II - Cranford, NJ
The Last Name You'll Ever Need in Real Estate

Love it - sounds like a great way to live!

Jan 08, 2012 10:34 AM
Jon Zolsky, Daytona Beach, FL
Daytona Condo Realty, 386-405-4408 - Daytona Beach, FL
Buy Daytona condos for heavenly good prices

Paula - I came from Lydie's reblog. A cool list, that everyone can add to.

Jan 08, 2012 10:40 AM