I happen to be a Marmite devotee. I love Marmite. I give it to my american friends as a cultural peace offering and it is always recieved with a quizzical glance, a polite smile, and then they promptly search for the kitchen sink or a trash can to spit it out as quickley as they can.
Marmite is England, Marmite is a right of passage. It looks disgusting, but it has a unique yeasty, B12 ish taste. I love Marmite on toast, Marmite on cheese, Celery dipped in Marmite and my absolute favorite Marmite Twiglets. I have been known to boil water and dissolve a teaspoon of marmite to make a very yeasty brew. Chips roasted in Marmite are simply delish.
Some Marmite detractors prefer Vegemite, how they can do this I have no idea. Vegemite is the poor relation of Marmite. Marmite interstingly enough can survive for hundreds of years in its little, cute marmite jar. There could be nuclear fall out and the marmite will survive. I think more folks should get on board and incorporate it in their daily diet