I have 3 babies...
Romeo is my 4 year old Yorkie. He thinks he's a little Stallion, and is Super Dog! He has that "MIGHTIER than Thou" attitude, and will stand up to ANY dog. He tries to be friendly, ALWAYS, but if they are snippy, he snips right back. Hafta be careful he doesn't become a "snack" to a big dog!
He LOVES to talk, and will carry on a long conversation in the cutest little voice, with all kinds of cute doggie talk. Especially on the phone. He knows EXACTLY what he's saying. So do I MOST of the time! LOL! He's really tiny! Such a sweetie!
Romeo putting his ear to the UPSTAIRS floor, trying to hear us DOWNSTAIRS, planning his BIRTHDAY PARTY!
Juliet is my 4 year old SPAYED Female Yorkie. She's 2 weeks younger than Romeo. SHE IS the BOSS of the house! She gets EVERYTHING she wants! She also LOVES to talk! She GROWLS the whole time. It's clearly a playful and cute growl mixed in with little woofs. She will get her point across with body language and making you FOLLOW her to whatever she is talking about. She SMILES constantly, and is SO LOVING! I understand just about every word she says too! LOL!
Juliet running (actually air-born!)
SMILING big leaping up to greet us at the front door. She SMILES so cute!
When Julie went in for her SPAY Surgery there were complications and she had a long recovery. Romy and our Kitty, Tissy, NEVER left her side. Romy even tried to carry water to her mouth and would waddle so cute trying to slowly walk carrying a mouthful of water to her, then dribble the few drops that made it, on her lips. Tissy kitty curled around her and kept her warm.
They are truly in LOVE!
Miss TISSY is OUR Kitty! She is everyone's MaMa. She is a 10 year old SPAYED Himalayan. She is very confused! Thinks she's a Yorkie. She runs to the door when someone knocks, Waits with Romy and JuJee at the front door when I leave, Runs along the fence with Romy and JuJee when they bark at the neighbor's dog, Jumps up on visitors. Sits up and begs at the dinner table, and is inseparable form Romy and Jujee. Even hangs her head out the window with them when we go Bye-Bye! Loves to go to PetSmart, PetCo, Home Depot, Lowes, and Hobby Lobby. And LOVES all the attention from the shoppers. She WILL NOT let me doze off when I relax in the tub. Soon as I close my eyes and drift off she SMACKS ME in the face! Guess she thinks I'll drown. LOL! By the way She LOVES to float in the tub, and will swim around or just sit there until the water starts to get cold. Like I said, she's a little confused about the cat thing, so we just treat her like a Yorkie! She's a love bug!
Miss Tissy, (After Julie's surgery,) Watching over her Babies!
Daytime Nap!
Gimme some...Yum! Sitting up begging at the table.
Blog #1, Day #1 of the Challenge: 2012 BIG Jumpstart Back to Basics Blog Challenge
Day 1, Blog #1; First of 2; G-Grow Your Business; c.) Videos or Photographs.
A personal tidbit, to share with my AR friends and clients!