
You may want a deck instead of a patio in Huboldt County, California

Real Estate Agent with Dan Edward Phillips

If the addition of a large patio to your home is on your home improvement list and your home is located in the Redwoods here in Northern California, there is one thing you will need to consider.  That is "roots".

Redwoods do not have a tap root so their lateral root system is large.  These large roots are close to the surface and in many cases are one foot in diameter or larger.  In order to prevent the 'raising' or  'sinking' of your patio, they will need to be removed during the excavation for your patio.  Generally the area below these roots is soft and proper compaction below your patio is critical.  The addition cost to have these roots removed may substantially increase the cost of building your patio.

You may want to consider a raised deck supported by piers as an alternative.