The goal of Home Staging is to create the "WOW!" factor in homes that are for sale. Having a wider variety of furnishings and accessories at a lower cost spreads the benefits of home staging to a wider audience and increases the speed of general consumer acceptance. I have been staging homes for more than three years and have seen a growing interest in Home Staging, but customers' concerns over the cost of renting furniture and accessories has not diminished. Sellers also look to Home Stagers to help them downsize and reduce their furniture and accessories and look to Home Stagers for help.
Staging Impressions' Home Stage Trade Service Program is designed to reduce home stagers' start-up costs and provide expanded, more affordable rental options to the consumer and allow them to offer items for sale. The Stage Trade Service Program focuses on renting accessories to home stagers, providing a clearing house for accessories to be shared among professional stagers, and consolidating buying power for wholesale and bulk discount opportunities. The Stage Trade Service Program is offered to most licensed Home Stagers in Michigan. The program is not available to the general public.
Make it a wonderful day.