
To Charge For Local Consults or Not

Home Stager with Stage It & Redesign Professionals
Recently, I was faced with a dilemma of whether to charge a client who lives in my county a consult fee.  Usually, I don't charge a consult fee if you are within 15 miles of my home, however, with the price of gas I am rethinking this one.  This client was referred by a previous client whom I did not charge a consult fee for a family room redesign.  My previous client had their room redesign done in May of 2007.  Should I let the client know that I must charge a consult or should I just let it go because I didn't charge one to her friend even though gas prices are higher now than before.  
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Stage It & Redesign Professionals - Douglasville, GA
Thanks Diane, I do charge for a staging consult, but I am now thinking I need to do the same for a redesign.  I was thinking maybe charge for the consult then if they use me give a credit toward the first room redo.
Nov 12, 2007 03:42 AM
Lori Kim Polk
Premiere Home Staging : Home Staging Services - Roseville, CA
Home Stager - Roseville, Sacramento

Welcome to AR Tarenia.  You have come to the right place and you have asked a great question. If it is an occupied, then I would charge for sure.  Don't let the other client dictate your fees.  No more freebies.  Now, you may want to do discounts for REAs though, so that they use you again and again.  Anytime that I am sharing my expertice and I have to pick up a pencil and write... there is a fee.  You may want to sit down and do a business plan for yourself right now so that you are positioned to accept clients for next year.  This will have you develop policies for your biz.  Best of luck and you should get some great advice ;)

Nov 12, 2007 03:42 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL
Hi Tarenia, I charge for all consults and I don't credit back the consult fee if they hire me.  Afterall, I've given them all they need to do the staging themselves if they so choose, so why should I give away my information for free?
Nov 13, 2007 01:40 PM
Home Stagers in Atlanta / Chamblee Area
Home-A-Dress - Chamblee, GA

Hi Tarenia,

I also charge for my consultations. and offer discounts for Agents. And on occasion i have credited back part of my consult fee, because an investor wanted me to stage two identical vacant homes. I didn't even need to look that thoroughly in the second home so i gave him a discount on my consult fee in hopes that he'll think of me for his next project. BUt his is just my veiw.

Jan 09, 2008 04:38 AM
Terrylynn Fisher
Dudum Real Estate Group - - Walnut Creek, CA
HAFA Certified, EcoBroker, CRS, CSP Realtor, Etc.
Ask yourself the question about whether they will be a good future business and referral source and make your decision accordingly.  IF you don't charge one you can tell them there is a fee and you waived it for them.  It can be this month's special at your discretion.  You can always waive your fees, but don't discount as you'll end up discounted forever and be sure to put the fees in all your advertising...
Jan 09, 2008 05:08 AM
Elaine Manes Gage
Home Staging Online Services - Denver, CO
Staging done ONLINE!

Tarenia- LOVE your name! This came up at a dinner I had with three other stagers. I think we all use different terminology. To me, there are previews and consultations. A preview involves going to a vacant home, taking photos, maybe some measurements, and writing a proposal. I don't charge for that. I choose to do it this way, because I am not comfortable doing proposals without seeing the home. Plus (and this is an exaggerated example) I don't want any surprises like a huge crack that travels up the center of the home!

Anytime I meet with a seller at the home they are still living in, I call that a consultation, and I charge an hourly fee. I will send them a report, if they want, to highlight what we went over, give them a priority list, a resource list if the home needs something, and a reminder that if they want ME to do the staging, this is how long I think it will take and my fees. More often than not, an agent pays me for this service, and if the seller chooses to have me do the staging, they pick up the cost.

Jan 09, 2008 06:27 AM
Abby Roselli
ALR Home Staging and Showcasing, LLC - Staten Island, NY
Staten Island Home Stager

Hi Tarenia, I don't charge for vacants (although, with the gas prices, I'd love to reconsider that one...) because I'm only providing a proposal;  if there is something that needs to get done, I think, before any kind of vacant staging can take place, I let them know I'm offering the suggestions 'complementary'.  I prefer not to stage a house who's bones aren't right.

For any occupied home, I charge for a full consultation.  Expect me to be there minimum of an hour, expect me to tour the home room by room, expect me to tell you what can stay, what can go, what needs to come in.  I've learned that in an occupied setting, they want to know right then and there what they need to do, which costs money because you don't want to give away the info for free and what you doing there if they aren't going to get any info?  Just something I learned from people I've dealt with...doesn't mean other stagers aren't successful doing free 'estimates',  I just found that it was something that wasn't worth it for me to offer. 

Jan 09, 2008 07:02 AM
Kathleen Garvey
HomeSmart Cherry Creek - Denver - Denver, CO
Denver's Neighborhood Expert - Listings & Sales
Hello Tarenia- I charge for my time and expertise.  If I am spending my time and knowledge to give a potential client my advice, it is professional policy and reasonable to charge a fee for any work/thinking/planning/consulting/etc... Only in very rare and extreme cases would I consider working something out....and it would have to be fair balance and payback for me to do so.  Welcome to AR!  Regards-Kathleen G
Jan 09, 2008 07:12 AM