I'm ready to dive into the new world of internet blogging. I say new because it's new to me and apparently it's new to MSWord since spell check flags Blog as a miss spelling.
I'm a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Stucky and Associates in Wichita, Kansas. I'm starting this blog as a great way to provide current information about our real estate market to the community of Wichita. This blog might have taken life sooner but I felt like it should start with something profound to say. What follows may not seem that profound but it is humorous and I find it profound since it involves my son.
Most days my wife takes our son Jack to Kindergarten and I pick him up at the end of the day. This particular day I had floor duty at the office from 1:00-5:30. On the way to school Jack's mother explain that Dad would be a little bit late that afternoon to pick him up because Dad has floor duty. As only a 5 year old can do, Jack thought about what his mother had just told him for a moment and responded "Mom, since when did Dad start doing janitor work?" His mother laughed and explained that Dad wasn't cleaning the floor but was on call to take phone calls from people interest in buying or selling a house. Jack pondered that bit of information for a moment and responded with "Well, it sounds to me like they should call it "on call duty".
Hopefully I can simplify the world of real estate for my clients as well as my son does.
Todd Fox