
Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments

Services for Real Estate Pros with Michigan Insurance Agent
Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments - Maury Davis, CIC, 989-220-6157, Saginaw, Michigan, Vice President, Future Insurance Agency.

Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments

If you looking for safe, guaranteed Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments consider an investment annuity. If you are worried about outliving your savings and investments then you owe it to yourself to consider these Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments.

Annuities offer absolute safety of principal. Annuities that guarantee, in writing, that you will never lose a dime of your principal investment.

These Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments are also tax deferred, so the interest compounds without having to remove taxes until you withdraw the funds.

This investment also works with your typical investment forms such as; IRA, 401K, Roth IRA, etc... if you chose to place your Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments into these tax favored plans.

One of the best things about our annuities is that you can take the payouts from your Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments on many different options. You can actually take a payout that you can never outlive. There are many of these options and I would love to cover them with you, but for this brief exposition it would be too lengthy. Call me at (989)220-6157 with any questions.

You can, of course, take your Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments in a lump sum.

You can choose to move your Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments into an Immediate Annuity if you are ready to start taking the payouts right away. This is very advisable because you simply cannot afford the ups and downs of the market turmoil when you are ready to retire.

I work with only top rated insurance companies. The safety of your Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments are guaranteed.

Call me today at (989)220-6157 for a free, no obligation consultation.

Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments

Saginaw Michigan Pension Investments for: Saginaw Michigan, Bay City Michigan, Midland Michigan, Saint Charles, Chesaning, Freeland, Birch Run, Bridgeport, Montrose, New Lothrop, Owosso, Grand Blanc, Livonia, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Grosse Pointe, Traverse City, Alpena, Mount Pleasant, Sterling Heights, Saint Clare Shores, Muskegon... ALL OF MICHIGAN!