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Writing, writing, writing...

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Writing, writing, writing...

I'm in One-Track-Mind mode and have been typing like a lunatic on my laptop for hours. Banging out chapters and scripting is time consuming and I periodically find myself gravitating towards working during the wee hours of the morning. I usually have to do it between wee people activities and was on lock down for most of yesterday. The shorties were pretty cool with it because it afforded them the opportunity to repeatedly raid the pantry for snacks and it's kind of fun watching them wipe out our Twix and Oreo stash.

My 5 year old believes going to the bathroom during the wee hours of the morning requires a reward of hugs, kisses, cuddles and/or snack-age. I'm waiting for Shorty to put in his request so I can get back to writing, writing, writing (before I hit the gym).


