
Are you a dreamer?

Commercial Real Estate Agent with Red Realty, LLC

My mind has been very active the last few days in thought about the new year. A new year is one of the great gifts God gives us. It is a chance to wipe the slate clean and set out about the business of doing what we set out to do.

My thoughts have been fueled by reading Dave Ramsey's "EntreLeadership" and identified strongly with some points he makes:To be a dreamer is a great thing but is a negative without action. The next step of dreaming is having vision. Having vision is to incorporate actions with your dreams. He had a great analogy, he says that doing what you do without a Mission Statement is like arriving at the top of the ladder of success to realize the ladder was propted up on the wrong building!

What does it mean to be visionary, a goal setter/ achiever, a leader? It means you took a dream, and put it in action by establishing goals and acting on them. Small attainable steps are taken to reach pinnacles within a goal until the big vision, which started as a dream, is realized.

Use this new year to your advantage. Throw out last years trash and stop holding on to stuff that is keeping you from moving forward. Plot your course by setting clearly defined goals. If you are someone in need of direction on this, consult your local guru, or contact me.

You can reach new heights, you can find financial and emotional freedom. Doing it, and how you do it, is up to you. no one can carry this cross for you... it is yours to bear. But, if you own this task and set it into action, your dreams will become vision which will offer you a new found confidence and freedom that is worth every bit of effort you put into it.

Dream today, put your dreams into action tomorrow, and reap the rewards all year long!