
Do You Have Buyers Who Are On The Fence And Won't Make A Decision?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Focus Point Properties BR578571000

Have you had or are you working with buyers that can't get off the fence?  They intellectually know that now is the best time to buy, all the planets have lined up, low prices, low interest rates... but still can't pull the trigger.  Its enough to drive any Realtor crazy.


The problem is that you, their confidant stands to gain from their purchase, and therefore, your motives become suspect.  What you need is a disinterested third party or a credible source to help them come off center.


The video (linked to below) has proven to be extremely helpful.  My go-to lending guy (Mark Taylor) put it together and posted it out there to help those of us who are stuck in neutral with clients who just cant make a decision.


The real question is WHY are buyers indecisive?


Buyers, when interviewed seemed to be saying the same things:


1.     "I feel pressured by my agent."


2.     "Yes, I know the market is hot, but I wish I didn't feel like I was being "sold" all the time."


3.     "Everyone tells me it's the best time to buy, but that's what was said in 2005 and 2006, etc!"


4.     "How do I know this is right for me?"


The video shows from a non sales approach, why the purchasing power of a buyer is at an all time high and why now is the most opportune time to purchase.


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Mark Taylor Mortgages
and for 1st Time Buyers, Move Up Buyers & Investors - Scottsdale, AZ
602-361-0707 #MarkTaylor #Awesomerates NMLS#207897

Way to go John excellant post buyers need to buy and buy now as you know there has only been 2 times in history where 100,000 homes havebeen sold in a year in AZ -Back in 2004 and 2011 - wow!

Jan 15, 2012 04:11 AM