Earning a living by helping clients buy and sell real estate is hard work.
To succeed, it’s necessary to work long hours.
In and of itself, working long hours does not automatically lead to success.
It is after all, fairly easy to fill your time with things like random paper-shuffling, lengthy telephone conversations with family and friends, surfing the Internet and so on.
Successful people have learned to work smarter and not harder.
Whether consciously or instinctively, everything they do focuses on achieving specific goals.
Working smarter is all about goals and ideas.
It involves focusing on goals that you would like to achieve and taking actions that will help you achieve these goals.
Working Smarter Includes Astute Marketing
As a critical component of working smart, astute marketing also focuses on achieving specific goals.
In practice, this means ensuring that all of your marketing activities are focused on one thing and one thing only...achieving specific goals.
Astute marketing includes seven critical elements:
- setting smart goals
- following your business core values
- managing your time effectively
- committing to achieving your goals
- taking responsibility for your actions
- developing and following a personal growth plan
- developing and following a personal marketing plan
By ensuring that your marketing continuously contains these elements, you are well on your road to better results.
To learn more about astute marketing, see Astute Marketing: Your Path To Better Results.