wwaaaayyy back in 1982 we were selling our first house as we had been transferred. My husband, myself, my sister, and her husband were loading up our car and we had the doors propped open. We were all driving 2 hours to our parents for Christmas (it was December 23rd)
We all got in the car and drove away ..........and apparently left both doors wide open. Later that day, a Realtor drove by the house with a couple in the car. They didn't know what to do (of course that was in the day of "no cell phones etc") .... she showed the house, and they locked up when they left. We didn't even leave the number where we would be with our own Realtor because we doubted there would be any showings over Christmas. .............When we arrived home a few days later........the offer was on the table and we sold the house. Merry Christmas!