
Timbers Estates Homes For Sale | Timbers Estates Subdivision of Tinley Park

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Preferred Realty

2011 Timbers Estates Homes Sales Data And Tinley Park Homes Information

Timbers Estates Home Sales
This graph show the 2011 home sales data for the Timbers Estates Homes located in Tinley Park near Andrew High School. Click on the above link to get more details on the Timbers Estates subdivision of Tinley Park.

Timbers Estates subdivision is located on the west and south side or Andrew High School. The location is ideal as it's near shopping, easy access to transportation routes making commuting easy without the inconvenience of heavy traffic in the area. Timbers Estates subdivision offers generous sized homes with bedrooms counts from 3 to 5 plus, good construction, homes built in the early 1990's and desirable amenities.
Timbers Estates Homes
2011 Home Sales
List Price Sold Price Beds Style Sqft Year Gar. Bas. Price/Sqft List/Sold
17111 Briar Dr. Tinley Park IL $329,900 $329,000 5 2 Story 3120 1992 3 Finished $105.45 99.73%
17224 Teakwood Dr. Tinley Park $378,000 $360,000 4 2 Story 3227 1992 2 Unfinished $111.56 95.24%
9124 W. 174th St. Tinley Park $354,900 $357,000 4 2 Story 2600 1990 2 Finished $137.31 100.59%
8990 W. 175th St. Tinley Park $324,900 $316,000 4 2 Story 2900 1991 2 Finished $108.97 97.26%
Avg. Results $346,925 $340,500             115.82% $98.15

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If you would like to search for homes in the Timbers Estates Subdivision of Tinley Park IL:
Click --> Search Timbers Estates Homes For Sale.
Raymond Kennedy
Keller Williams Preferred Realty
Direct: 708-620-4460