I love the connections that grow between members of ActiveRain.
One of the ActiveRain Community Guidelines is: "Get connected. At first ActiveRain may seem so big that you could never be heard, and so small and cliquish that you will never find your place. Everyone experiences this phenomenon! Our suggestion is to start off slow; read blogs, then start commenting on posts that interest you, and once you feel ready, blog away!"
It is fascinating to see newbies in the Rain. At first they exist as a profile and a photo. Most start slowly and read some of the posts. Next step is usually to comment and finally they start to write their own posts. (Of course there are exceptions - some start off really fast and some really never get started). Then the fun begins, members start to recognize each other and the comments show that members really do take the time to learn about each other.
It is especially nice to see the way members support each other in times of trouble and sorrow. ActiveRain is a community where the members become so connected that it starts to feel like one big family.We connect through our posts and comments, through email and phone calls and even with face to face meetings.
Recently I challenged my self to start calling other members and I can't tell you how much I am enjoying it. The post is
Call Two Each Day in the Rain
I also have the benefit of building my referral network and helping others as they build networks of their own.
This community guideline is the basis for my feelings about ActiveRain --- I Love ActiveRain.
Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income.
Latin America -- Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU?
Viva Latin America
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