
Shell Knob Land Problem

Services for Real Estate Pros with Midamerica Referral Network

Shell Knob Adverse Possession Conundrum Solved

A few weeks ago I was seeking assistance and/or feedback on a problem concerning a 12' foot strip of land.

I had sold a 2 acre parcel of waterfront on Table Rock Lake to neighbors of this land, however there is a 12 x 400' lot separating the buyers current land from the new parcel they have purchased.

Unable to locate a phone for the owner of the 12' strip, I wrote to the address on the county tax rolls with no results. The owner was being charged $58/year in property tax.

The tax's proved to be the solution for my buyers. The annual tax has not been paid for 3 years, so following Missouri law, if not paid by July 2012, the land will be auctioned for back taxes in August.  It would appear that my buyers stand a good chance of being the only bidders at the tax auction.


Call Joan for all your real estate needs  417-846-7128

Tri-Lakes Realtors  417-858-3344


