
Still Going Strong

Mortgage and Lending with Baldwin Finance

With the way the mortgage market has been going, so many people are scared to do anything with their personal mortgages. Not to worry, the market is still strong. Rates are still low and if you have credit problems now is the time to fix them. Just make sure that you are using someone who is very trust worthy and reliable in these businesses. There are many that are scams.

 But don't fear, there are some of us brokers still out there wanting to give you the best service available! Feel free to contact me for some advice!

Scott Blanchard
Mortgage Force - Newtown, CT

I agree Elizabeth this market is fabulous in CT . I am working on 6-8 for next month 1-2 for Jan and awaiting approval for 2-3 for this month.


Next week I start working on loans for Feb.


Nov 15, 2007 07:04 AM
Richard Perkins
I agree there are still great deals. Keep up the good work and good luck
Nov 15, 2007 07:06 AM