
Thought for the Day~ Ability

Real Estate Agent with Rich Sellers Lake Arrowhead, CA (Coldwell Banker)
If you study the lives of very successful people, you will find that they rarely climb to the top of their business or profession and stay there. They often climb to the top and fall to the bottom several times during their careers, but they know that the one thing that got them where they are — their ability — is always there to help them reach the top again. Your ability is the one thing that you own exclusively. No one can ever take it from you.
Posted by
Richard Sellers

Office Phone
(909) 336-2131
Cell Phone
(909) 553-1897
(909) 336-2500
27206 Hwy 189, Blue Jay, CA, 92317
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

Real Estate Broker, DRE CA License #01148405

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