
Conforming Loan Programs For Non-Conforming Borrowers

Mortgage and Lending with Countrywide Home Loans

Countrywide announced last week a partnership with Fannie Mae allowing Countrywide to be the only lender allowed to sell Non-Conforming loans (i.e. No Income/No Assets, No Ratio and Reduced doc loans) directly to the agency. This allows us to sell directly to Fannie Mae not to the Wall Street Investors.  


Program Guidelines are as follows: 


90% Max Ltv/Cltv 

$417K Max Loan Amount 

640 Minimum Fico Score 


Pricing is based on Conforming interest rates.  


If you have a client who might need a loan program like this to help them purchase or refinance a home, please have them call me directly. As of today this program is only available to retail loan officers and is not available to the wholesale channels. If you have any questions or concerns please call me. 





Chris Cohan 

11811 North Tatum Blvd. #1085 

Phoenix, AZ 85028 

480-747-1740 Cell 

602-787-5211 Office