Campbell, Real Estate - Market Report for 95008
This is a real estate update is for activity in the city of Campbell, California dated January 25, 2012.
Real Estate statistics for single family homes in Campbell:
Campbell homes for sale listed between $448,888 and $850,000:
- 31 homes in inventory including 8 short sale and 6 bank-owned (REO))
- Median home price $599,000
- Price per square feet $382.14
- Average days on market 102
- Average size 1,627 square feet
- Average age 52
Campbell homes in escrow listed between $420,000 and $899,000:
- 35 homes in escrow as of today (20 short sale and 0 REO)
- Median list price $575,000
- Price per square feet $370.92
- Average days on market 95
- Average size 1,707 square feet
- Average age 50
Campbell homes sold ranging in sale price between $520,000 and $599,000:
- 6 homes closed escrow so far this month (1 short sale and 1 REO)
- Median list price $549,475
- Median sale price $546,500
- Price per square feet $387.01
- Average days on market 60
- Average size 1,490 square feet
- Average age 58
If you have any questions or are interested in homes in Campbell contact your Cambrian REALTOR® and Distressed Property Expert.
**Information contained on this report is designed for accuracy but is not guaranteed**