For many people, the default reaction to a new difficulty or obstacle is "I can't..."
“I can't deal with this ” ... or “I can't overcome that obstacle.”
Somehow, they have forgotten the difficulties and obstacles that they have successfully overcome in their lives.
“I Can Walk”
Unlike most animal babies, human babies do not start walking immediately after birth. For most of the first years of our lives, our brains sent our bodies the message “I can't walk.” Our mobility was limited to wherever a stronger person could carry or otherwise transport us.
As our bodies matured, our brains changed this message to “maybe I can walk”, and we started moving on our own..however we could. It wasn't always pretty...but it worked.
Then the message changed to “I think I can walk” and we started pulling ourselves to a standing position. At this point, “I think I can walk” became “I can walk”. And the rest is history.
A similar process takes place when we face difficulties and obstacles, such as a slow market or too much competition.
“I Can Sell Real Estate”
Too many people believe they can't deal with slow real estate markets, let alone compete effectively with too many other agents, many of who are in fact quite successful.
If that's what they think...they are probably right.
Remember however, that as babies our brain sent us similar thoughts about walking.
Just as in learning to walk, a small child takes baby steps in learning to walk, there are baby steps to business success.
These same baby steps to walking are fact, the model for baby steps to business success.
If you have been in business for two years or more, you have already completed several sets of baby steps to business success.
Think back to how you made the transition from "I can't sell real estate" to "maybe I can sell real estate". And how about your movement from "maybe I can sell real estate" to "I think I can sell real estate"? It was about that time that you met the challenge of qualifying for your real estate license.
Remember how you felt when you received the commission check from your first transaction? It was then that you realized without a doubt “I can sell real estate”...just like as babies, we realized “I can walk”.
“I Can Sell Real Estate In This Market”
Certainly, we all face difficult market conditions. But as babies and children,we also faced difficult walking conditions. Very often, there were difficulties and obstacles in our way. More often than not, we able to get over or around these obstacles. And even of we fell, we got up alone or with help and carried on.
If you believe that you can't sell real estate, accept that belief as true. You will have lots of like-minded company, with whom you can share your frustration.
On the other hand, if you know you can sell real estate, notwithstanding challenging market conditions, by all means, trust that position. Not only will you be free of the “I can't” club draining your energy, you will enjoy the success that you rightly deserve.
To learn more about the baby steps to business success, see 3 Baby Steps To Business Success