
West Linn Wilsonville Schools

Real Estate Agent with Soldera Properties, Inc.

Recently the West Linn/Wilsonville School Board approved adding a language immersion program in two of its West Linn Willsonville Schools. The two newest schools in the the district, Lowrie and Trillium Creek primary schools, will add the immersion program for one of their Kindergarten classes. The addition was unanimously approved by the board. This time around the board is convinced that having the immersion programs at the new schools solves many of the shortfalls of the initial program that was cut after only 1 year. As some of you may remember, this was a very controversial decision and created quite a "buzz" in the district.

I think this only helps and supports the case that most of us (who live in the district) already know - the West Linn/Wilsonville schools are among the best in the state. For more information about the schools you can go to my website, or the district site,