If you have a Florida Real Estate License, you can become a Referral Agent with All Florida Referral Network. If you don't have time to actively sell but you want to keep your license status active and share commissions on your referral leads you need to check us out.
As a Referral Agent, your sole responsibility is to provide referral leads. After that, your job is done. We will place the lead with a qualified full-time agent who will then service your referral. If the referral (i.e. Florida homes for sale or property for sale in Florida) leads to a closed transaction, you receive a real estate commission for your referral. Imagine making money on property for sale in Florida just by typing contact information for a prospective buyer or seller into our database. It literally takes under 5 minutes and one mouse-click to enter a lead into our system.
All Florida Referral Network is an affiliate of All Florida Realty Services, Inc.