
I am Glad She Isn't My Agent!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc)

They always say another mans loss is another mans gain....  

A couple days ago,we received a call from a buyer,who said "I would like to buy the property at so and so address but the listing agent won't call me back...I have called her for over a week and have left messages at her office...but NOTHING!Could your company help and represent me"?  


This property is listed at almost 1.7 million dollars and the listing agent isn't returning calls?  

Let me guess...she is someone complaining that the market is so slow and there is no business...Right?  

This stuff just befuddles me!  

Want to hear more?We just discovered this property is now ready to go to foreclosure!Can you believe these sellers, who have listed their property with this agent and they are about to lose their property and she doesn't return calls from buyers!How irresponsible is that?  

Should be interesting to see how my agent's luck is dealing with this woman...stay tuned!

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Kevin McGrath
Long & Foster Real Estate Companies- Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania - Fredericksburg, VA
Long & Foster Real Estate Companies

Sorry - there is no reason - none - to not return calls. We have a duty to "aggressively" market our clients homes. I certainly don't think that not returning calls falls into that category.

I you can't pull it off, get a partner.

Nov 18, 2007 10:34 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Kevin,I am with you on this one...nothing bugged me more when I used to buy property,and an agent not returning my,I am not surprised!
Nov 18, 2007 10:37 PM
Charlottesville Solutions
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA
Calls should always be returned, even if you have to put a backup agent in place...
Nov 18, 2007 10:41 PM
Melissa Grant
A Serendipity World - Greenbackville, VA
The Law of Attraction In Life & Business
Here's the problem : Many Agents talked themselves into getting another job and are only working Real Estate part-time. They think half the calls they get are "nosey neighbor calls". The broker in my eyes should be stepping up to the plate and telling all the Agents who have ventured off with other jobs to have an "agent" or the broker on call for their listings during their work hours. Hey a referral fee is better than zip, zero, nadda.....Although the Agent secured the listings, the broker still "owns" them, so it's both their faults. We just had a meeting on this last week because it is happening here ALOT as well ! Some agents have gotten so use to "raw" leads they treat every lead as raw...I just wonder what will happen when a tester's call isn't answered.....I don't know about your area but we have had them hot and heavy here because of the market being down...
Nov 18, 2007 10:43 PM
Carol Zingone
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty - Jacksonville Beach, FL
Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS

We should treat all  calls as "A" prospects, and let them disqualify themselves.  I heard that 70% of all buyers will buy in the next 12 months, so we need to put some of them on the back burner, and check in monthly.

I can't imagine not returning any of my calls, but then again, there are two sides to every story- I'll be curious to see how this turns out.

Nov 18, 2007 10:55 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
I agree with you as well Charles....if you can't handle your calls...get a partner or get out of the business!
Nov 18, 2007 11:03 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Melissa,that was my thought...this agent probably has a full time job someplace and isn't paying attention to her real estate as closely as she should.
Nov 18, 2007 11:05 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Carol...all calls should be returned promptly...if there was some emergency,I am sure the brokerage would have stepped,we shall see!
Nov 18, 2007 11:06 PM
Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional
Charles Rutenberg Realty - Clearwater, FL
Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor
I also agree with Charles - calls need to be answered - that is what is so great with having a partner - we cover for each other all the time so our clients always get top service!
Nov 19, 2007 05:35 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
I am with you on that one Barbara-Jo!
Nov 19, 2007 07:36 AM
Cris Burlew
Beach & Luxury Realty, Inc. - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Broker ~ St Pete Beach FL Real Estate

It is very true, there should be no reason that a call is not returned, especially for over a week! We shall see what happens with this buyer and our agent.

This should be a lesson to all. If you don't answer your phone, the buyer (or seller) will find an agent that will. From the comments here, no need to worry, you all get it! Now, if only the rest of the agents would.

Nov 19, 2007 12:47 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
You are right Cris...a buyer will find another agent...answer your messages promptly
Nov 19, 2007 08:49 PM
Rich Dansereau
Positive Real Estate Professionals - Knoxville, TN

I hear this all the time from borrowers. They call asking if I can help them as such and such loan officer is not returning their calls. Of course, I am more than happy to help them.

Hey BLR, I'll be more than happy to help your buyer with their loan too; just send them to Danny Thornton or me (we work as a team). I don't ignore borrowers, I depend on their referrals!

Nov 20, 2007 02:36 AM
Brigita McKelvie, Associate Broker
Cindy Stys Equestrian and Country Properties, Ltd. - Lehigh Valley, PA
The Broker with horse sense and no horsing around

How can you run a business if you don't return calls?  I'm surprised that agent is even in business.  Motto: There are plenty of agents out there, so make sure you don't lose yours by not responding.

Nov 20, 2007 03:00 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
That is cool Rich...I don't deal with buyers or I own the company...I know Danny has been getting with some of my agents though.
Nov 20, 2007 11:10 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
I totally agree Brigita!Always return your calls!
Nov 20, 2007 11:11 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
LOL..sure..I'll give you 25% of my points...LOL
Nov 23, 2007 08:13 AM
Shannon Lefevre
John R. Wood Properties - Naples, FL
Shannon Lefevre, PA Your Naples Smart Girl
So??? It's been a few the deal sealed or what? Enquiring minds want to know! :)
Nov 24, 2007 12:19 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
I just shot an email to my agent for an,I will have to update shortly...last I heard,he wasn't having much luck tracking down that agent either.
Nov 24, 2007 09:37 PM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Update:Come to find out....the realtor is the owner of this,it makes sense why it is in foreclosure!You don't return calls from prospective buyers...that will happen to you!
Nov 26, 2007 09:54 PM