
"Grass is Always Greener" or Is It?

Real Estate Agent with South Texas Land Team, LLC.

What does this saying make you think of?  Does it make you think of where you are and where you could be?  Does it make you think about what others have and you don't?  Why do we compare ourselves to others and what they have or who they are?  Is life one big race that we are in and we have to keep up with the other competitors? 

I have found that when I step out of my shoes and take a glance at my life from someone else's point of view then hey it looks pretty nice.  I think that is what makes the "Grass Appear Greener".  The thought that we don't have it.  When in reality we do have it, and so much more than what we think. 

I try to live my life being thankful for what I have.  I have always thought that anything in life is possible if you strive to get there.  But everything has a cost, even the "greener grass".  At what cost are you willing to sacrifice yourself for what you strive to get? 

I know a few people who have worked non-stop for 4 or 5 years and are now leading a life of luxury because of this sacrifice.  This in their eyes was worth the time and effort.  Time away from family, friends, and many time co-workers.  Now that they have all the free time in the world, who can they enjoy it with?  The 4 or 5 years of toiling in their work made them turn their back on the people that mattered most.  In their minds they were trying to work so that they could spend more time with the people they cared the most about, but what they really did was push those same individuals further away. 

What I am getting at is to make time for those you care most about.  Schedule them in your life like any other appointment.  If you are really working so hard for them and not yourself then take time out to enjoy them first and not your career.  If you don't then by the time you get to that "greener pasture" you may find that you are alone in it.

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Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA
Exactly.  It's tough to have balance in this day and age when you're highly motivated and want to provide the best possible life for your family. 
Nov 19, 2007 01:07 AM
Jeff Kessler
Austin Homes, Realtors - Austin, TX

I like to go slow and steady and keep my family vs. the 4-5 year goal people.  They basically lost 5 years, sad.


Nov 19, 2007 01:08 AM
Gary L. Waters Broker Associate, Bucci Realty
Bucci Realty, Inc. - Melbourne, FL
Eighteen Years Experience in Brevard County
Nice post. We often "see" what we want to see and it does look greener over there! Knowing what is important will always keep us well grounded.
Nov 19, 2007 01:14 AM
Chris Pollinger
Berman & Pollinger, LLC. - San Diego, CA
Consulting for Luxury Teams and Brokerages
Great post - we often get caught up in comparing our worst attributes to others best ones and think "well, if only..."  problem is that they often are thinking the same about us.
Nov 19, 2007 01:20 AM
Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker
Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker - Sacramento, CA
Put 40 years of experience to work for you

That's why I totally missed the '80s. Come to think of it, though, that wasn't so bad.

Nov 19, 2007 01:37 AM
Trey Thurmond
BCR Realtors - College Station, TX
College Station , Texas Homes

The grass is always greener on the other side....but as they say " You still have to mow it".

Good thoughts.  So many of us get caught up in the RACE TO SUCCESS, and forget to smell the roses.

Nov 19, 2007 02:59 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI
Grass may be greener on the other side, but there's usually more to mow as well.
Nov 19, 2007 03:01 AM
Ryan Smith
South Texas Land Team, LLC. - Pleasanton, TX
I like the analogy of having to mow more grass.  I will put that in my box. Thanks.
Nov 19, 2007 03:20 AM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI

Ryan, I didn't notice Trey'scomment on the same analogy. GMTA

I have used that saying for some time, but I change it a bit. "The grass is always greener on the other side, it's just tougher to mow".


Nov 19, 2007 03:27 AM
Courtney Fontenot
Alpha Prosperity Management - Missouri City, TX
NAR Certified REPA, REW

Nice post Ryan. Really makes you stop and think. Your grass can be just as green if you water it and feed it on a regular basis.


Nov 19, 2007 10:14 AM
Classic Realty Associates Brent Riethmayer and Trey Thurmond
Classic Realty Associates - College Station, TX

Well, here is how I look at it..... I have roughly 18 yrs with my kiddos before I send them out into the real world, on their own.  Now, I do have a sense of humor about them leaving... I always tell them... "When you turn 18 you are outta here, gone!  :) or you two can just keep the house and I'll leave...."  He-he-he!!

 Now, that being said..... I sure wouldn't want to miss 1/3 of their time with me, (5 is almost 1/3 of 18) especially when I know that as teenagers, they will crave their independence and my time will become even more limited with them!

 So, missing five out of the first twelve formative years... well.. that's almost 50% of our time together, some of the most important.....

 Nope.... everything else can just wait, there is no deal or transaction that important that it will tear me away from them!!  The Good Lord blessed me with my kiddos and I intend to do my best.....  :)

I'll have plenty of time to pursue my own interests afterwards..... especially since they will probably be living in my house and I will be very difficult to find!  He-he!



Nov 21, 2007 08:12 AM
Kay Perry
Kay Perry, Broker - College Station, TX
Brent, Thanks for putting your children first.
Nov 21, 2007 08:37 PM
Cindy Bryant
Redesign Etc. Home Staging - Houston, TX
"Houston Home Staging Pros"
Very well said-There will always be someone better at something than you are-that's life.  But are they happy?  I count my blessings and am thankful for everything.
Jan 08, 2008 06:28 PM