I was driving today from my hotel in Vegas to the airport. The cabby asked me about where I lived which of course lead to my official Chamber of Commerce Nashville schpill. After I shut up, I started thinking about what I don’t like about Nashville. It made me think about starting a list of shops that I wish we had. These ARE in priority order.
1. Crate And Barrel: While we have West Elm, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware, I still miss the budget meets class of this housewares station. Closest option: Atlanta.
2. H and M: The most annoying thing about if we actually did get an H and M, it would be very limited stock. The company has proven over and over again that only Chicago, New York and Los Angeles will get the mega-full line store goods. The Cleveland, OH, Atlanta, GA and Las Vegas stores are actually laughable with its limited stock. Closest good option: Chicago
3. Armani Exchange AX: Okay so if I admit it, this one is a selfish, thigh-centric one. Their jeans area the only ones (when I’m at my optimal size) can fit my thighs. The Armani name may scare people that only high prices are allowed, however their sales kick some tail. Closest option: Atlanta
4. World Market: This may not be as fair seeing that Nashville is rumored to be getting three of these amazing stores. I love the dining room chairs, rugs and linens! Closest option: Paducah, KY. ….yes…I said Paducah. Chattanooga’s store is an extra 10 miles plus you have to fight that nasty downtown traffic.
5. Trader Joes: Two Buck Chuck is the obvious reason we need one in Nashville. It’s really time that someone look at our fair city for a franchise. Closest options: St. Louis, MO or Atlanta, GA.
6. FAO Schwartz: It’s just fun. Closest option: Atlanta, GA
7. IKEA: While I’m not a big fan of most things there, it’s great browsing, and the cookies are dang good! Closest option: Atlanta
More to come!
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Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA
Brian, Nice list. I have a few "requests" for our town too... but none of them are on your list, except maybe IKEA.
Nov 19, 2007 05:44 PM