
* * * * RAW LAND RE-FI LOAN IN IDAHO * * * *

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Pike Real Estate Mortgage & Development

We are a full service broker out of California in need of assistance with a raw land loan in Idaho. This like all other scenerios this is a last minute, need to refi fast situation. Please let me know as honestly and quickly as you can how real it is to expect this loan to be done.

Borrower -

MID FICO - 677

Not able to show tax returns, but can show bank statements

Property -

Raw Land

Valued at 2.5 m-3m

Property currently listed

Previously had oil on land, but now has level  2 clearance

Loan Requested -

25-30% of value

No prepayment penalty

Interest rate no higher than 9%

Based on the scenario above, if this is something you can assist us with, please email me the guidelines and items that would be needed in order to complete this loan. Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to potentially working with you.


Thomas Pike
800.951.7453 xt. 575



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Ronell Moore
180 Degree Floors - Nashville, TN
Transforming your Flooring into a work of Art.
I might be able to help you on this deal. It's a long shot but just maybe. Have you already places this deal?
Mar 13, 2008 01:27 PM