
Technology nightmares

Real Estate Agent with ReMax Palos Verdes

It’s surely fast world out there. I’m not sure if it’s me but sometimes I’m getting so overwhelmed with new things that are constantly coming up.  It’s not that I’m not a fast learner or don’t like challenge myself.  I love technology and use it with gratitude.  My issue is to recognize which tool or technology you must spend time on to learn and implement and which is not necessary thing made for entertainment or pleasure rather than business.  Mmmm…

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Alan Kirkpatrick
Austin Texas Homes - Round Rock, TX
Alan in Austin


Nice post and to the point. I have never been one of those who juumps in on every new tech tool. I like to watch and see what really is working and get abard later. 

Feb 09, 2012 02:27 AM
Gwynn Carpenter
Gwynn Teal Carpenter-Broker: Home and Hearth Realty (Austin) - Austin, TX
: Broker, Home & Hearth Realty (512)467-6191

Larissa:  Deciding what makes sense in this technology driven world can cause REAL nightmares!  Choose a couple and learn them well - make them work for you.  If you see they aren't producing what you feel they should, let them go and find one to replace it.  DON'T attempt too many at a only have so much time in this world and no one is going to regret NOT LEARNING how to use a piece of technology - they are going to regret not spending physical time with their loved ones!

Feb 09, 2012 02:48 AM
Larissa Rubijevsky
ReMax Palos Verdes - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Thanks to all for your nice feedback.  Good to know I'm not the only one.

Feb 17, 2012 05:28 AM