
Meme... me, me, me

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Right About Real Estate

"A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another."

What a great idea for a meme this "5 things you don't know about me". So simple, but so catchy. What more do we love, but to talk about ourselves? No matter how much we care for people or how great listeners we think we are, the truth is that we are egotistic creatures by nature. I am no exception, so here is my egotistic input after having been encouraged to meme by Jeff Belonger:


 1. I am Colombian. You may not be able to tell by just looking at my face or hearing my name (Warman is somewhat neutral, but my maiden name is Himelfarb), but I was born in Medellin and raised in Bogota. The looks I get from my Polish/Russian grandparents, my name is Israeli, but my blood is pure Colombian. I dance like a Colombian and talk as much as one (unless I get that from my "yachne" grandmother).

2. I border on neurotic. I am sooo organized that I am way past anal retentive. My husband teases me and calls me Monk when he sees me align my jewlery at night on the nightstand. Finding my husband's keys in the morning is an adventure, mine are always neatly in the same place. I have eased up a little since I got married and my husband has caught some of my traits. I guess we are almost equally neurotic/free spirited now (not quite, but then again, we've only been married 2 years).

 3. I love what I do.
I have an advertising and marketing background, and as glamorous and fun as it may be to work at an ad agency, I wouldn't do anything other than real estate. I have a passion for it and as a reward, I get to make as much money as I can (not as others decide I'm worth) and I get to choose my own schedule.



4. I love to cook. When I was like 8 or 12, I loved to bake, but wouldn't make anyhting non-desert. When I got married, I could make browines, but could barely fry an egg, but now, I am a pretty good cook, I love it and I even make up new recipes as I go along.



5. I have a puppy. My parents are breeders in Colombia, and when my brother sent us a video of their last litter, we just couldn't resist and asked my brother to bring us a puppy. His name is Archie, an 8 month old black labrador retriever. Here is his picture when he was about 3 weeks old, so you can see why we couldn't resist.



Bonus: Mountain or beach? Definitely beach

I tag Ivan Warman, Shari Roberts and Rich Jacobson

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Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Yael... you had me laughing in regards to the Monk comment. I never liked that show. Maybe because he was so neat and meticulous. Me?  I am anal how how to do things... but not always neat.

Your puppy is really cute. And I like to cook.

Last.. it's funny on how you and your husband have picked up things from each other.

Overall.... thanks for sharing. 

Dec 19, 2006 09:07 AM
Yael Warman
Right About Real Estate - Dania Beach, FL

Jeff, I used to love the show... maybe it's because I could identify with it. I am really not as bad as Monk, but in some things, we do do things similarly...

Dec 20, 2006 02:36 AM