
Realtors - Why you should include Staging consults as part of your marketing strategy for your sellers

Home Stager with Gomes Design

Home Staging is the process of packaging a house for sale. By marketing a house properly, you gain an edge in the competitive market. 


Working with Realtors - By intergrating home Staging into your marketing you are establishing your reputation as a Realtor who shows his listings at their best. Creating a team of professionals will save you marketing dollars and save client money. We work with Realtors, to address issues, and recommend solutions and ideas to the homeowners, to improve and repair their homes to show them as, well maintained and ready to move in. This allows the realtor to use their time and energies in listing, selling, and maximizing returns. Homes that show well make for beautiful photos for MLS, and advertising.

Which Room would you prefer to have potential buyers look at and get the first impression.

 Master Bedroom

                                                                          Master Bedroom After


 Home Staging is not about renovations and decorating, but about packaging a product. A house.

 You can only make a first impression once. Properly packaging your listings through Home Staging is a small investment compared to the first price reduction. 

Gomes Design services the London  and South Western Ontario. We are a business partner of the  London St Thomas Association of Realtors and member of the Real Estate Staging Association.

Call Isabel at 519-666-0893 to include our services as part of your marketing strategy.

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Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
In a competitive market...staging definitely gives a home an edge!  More and more real estate agents and home owners are using this service.  We've seen it make a big difference in our homes.
Nov 20, 2007 12:22 PM
Fernando Rosado
West Palm Beach, FL
561-906-0050 or 561-840-8950
Isabel~ That looks amazing, great transformation . congrats good job !
Nov 20, 2007 12:25 PM
Shelley Roufs
Simply Staged Homes - New Ulm, MN
I love this blog! It is exactly what I am trying to say to convince realtors to incorporate staging into their listing package! Well said and beautiful b&a to make your point hit home!
Nov 20, 2007 01:19 PM
Marcia Yockers - Stevens Point Home Staging & Organization
Wow!!!  Huge transformation.  I like your wording on how to sell the concept of Professional Staging to Realtors.  Well done!  Marcia
Nov 20, 2007 01:53 PM
Lori Kim Polk
Premiere Home Staging : Home Staging Services - Roseville, CA
Home Stager - Roseville, Sacramento
Isabel... Absolutely!  I have a REA that is selling homes right and left.  He has an interesting marketing plan...  I do reports on almost every home he lists... I am part of the package.  It is such a win win.... and he is selling homes in this market!  If REAs can find a quality Stager to work with and offer that service to their clients... they will set themselves apart from the rest of the pack :)
Nov 20, 2007 03:45 PM
Marg Scheben
RE/MAX four seasons realty limited - Collingwood, ON
Edey - Collingwood, Ontario
Of course you are right and, a picture surely is worth a thousand words.  Thanks.
Nov 21, 2007 07:46 AM