Home Staging is the process of packaging a house for sale. By marketing a house properly, you gain an edge in the competitive market.
Working with Realtors - By intergrating home Staging into your marketing you are establishing your reputation as a Realtor who shows his listings at their best. Creating a team of professionals will save you marketing dollars and save client money. We work with Realtors, to address issues, and recommend solutions and ideas to the homeowners, to improve and repair their homes to show them as, well maintained and ready to move in. This allows the realtor to use their time and energies in listing, selling, and maximizing returns. Homes that show well make for beautiful photos for MLS, and advertising.
Which Room would you prefer to have potential buyers look at and get the first impression.
Home Staging is not about renovations and decorating, but about packaging a product. A house.
You can only make a first impression once. Properly packaging your listings through Home Staging is a small investment compared to the first price reduction.
Gomes Design services the London and South Western Ontario. We are a business partner of the London St Thomas Association of Realtors and member of the Real Estate Staging Association.
Call Isabel at 519-666-0893 to include our services as part of your marketing strategy.