
Sellers that Got It!!!!

Home Stager with Judy Heinrich Home Staging

In September I gave a staging consultation to a woman selling her aunt's home, the aunt moved to assisted living care.  This lady and her sister-in-law were fantastic clients!  They took my advice and worked very hard getting the house ready to sell.  They had the wallpaper removed, painted the entire house, replaced kitchen floor, etc.  Last week they hired me to come back for some final staging to pull it all together for them. The results are terrific and the agent expects a quick sell.   I love it when the sellers "get it".  Here's a few before and after pictures. 





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susan cunningham
jenny pruitt & associates REALTORS - Suwanee, GA


Great job to both you and your clients!


Nov 21, 2007 10:17 AM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"
Judy ~ Your clients did a great job but you advised them very well!  Congratulations and let us know when it sells -- it's sure to be quickly!
Nov 21, 2007 10:26 AM
Judy Heinrich
Judy Heinrich Home Staging - San Diego, CA

Susan - Ah-h-h-h suh-weet  - love that!  Thanks for stopping by.

Maureen - They were excellent clients!  This job was a perfect example of a consultation gone right!  and what a couple hours of hands on staging does to finish it off.

Nov 21, 2007 10:43 AM
Susan Peters
Dove Realty Inc. - Seattle, WA
The Better it Looks the Better it Sells


Preparing a home to sell is a team effort. I good to see that your players didn't just sit on the bench. Beautiful job!

Nov 21, 2007 03:41 PM
Yvonne Root
rooms b.y. root - Prescott, AZ
Home Stager - Northern Arizona
Judy, after reading several of your posts I believe you are so blessed with great clients because you are an excellent Home Stager who "gets it" that people count, that our clients are people -- not houses. Your work and your attitude rock! Great post!
Nov 21, 2007 10:46 PM
Judy Heinrich
Judy Heinrich Home Staging - San Diego, CA
Yvonne - What a nice thing to say - thank you!!!
Nov 23, 2007 08:54 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL
Judy, that house looks like it was fun to do.  I love old houses.  And you did a great job!  So, we get 1 in a hundred sellers that get it!  Its always an uphill battle to sell our services, but when we hit the gold mine it makes it all worth while.
Nov 23, 2007 11:06 PM
Nancy Morrish
Stage Tucson! Professional Home Staging - Tucson, AZ
Stage Tucson!

and THAT is why being a Stager is so rewarding!!  I bet you were so proud of your sellers (and yourself!)

Seller's like this make up for the one's that think they still know what's best in spite of what you tell them.

Nov 24, 2007 01:05 AM
Kristina Leone
Lionheart Home Staging, LLC - Minneapolis, MN
Stories like this is why I love the biz!  The before/after pics speak for themselves - Great Work!!!
Nov 24, 2007 01:28 AM
Kathy Riggle
Houston Home Staging

These are the kinds of jobs that make me like to stage occupieds!  They can be so rewarding! As more senior living facilities are being built, I think helping folks to downsize will be a niche market.


Nov 24, 2007 09:33 AM
Lea-Ann Virnig
Lea-Ann's Home Beautiful Staging and Design LLC - San Antonio, TX
Home Beautiful: San Antonionulls Premier , Home Staging Company
Great Job Judy!  Isn't it great when the clients have the motivation to follow through!  I love how you warmed up the rooms with the paint choices!  Doesn't painting make a world of difference...and the decluttering!
Nov 28, 2007 02:07 PM