
Looking Sheepish ~ Speechless Sunday (Almost)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with MoonDancer Realty, Dillsboro,NC NC# 218097

Showing property or snowing property yesterday in Waynesville was a pleasant adventure in spite of the 25-30 mile wind gusts and the below freezing temperatures. If we had waited until today to look at houses, we would have been greeted by this morning’s temperature of 8 degrees with the wind chill taking us below zero.

Not only did we identify a few very good candidates for the buyers’ short list of homes but they brought their daughter, a professional photographer, with them. If the weather had been a tad more pleasant, I can see that we would have stopped far more often for photo ops. As it was, we did stop at someone’s beautiful property near the Cataloochee entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to take a few pictures of their sheep, chickens and Great Pyrenees. Today, I’ll share with you the photo I’m calling “Looking Sheepish”.

Looking Sheepish copyright 2012 Mona Gersky

The sun is shining here now and I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

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MoonDancer Realty Team Photo Collage copyright 2012 Mona Gersky



Unless noted otherwise, all photographs & content are my own and will only be shared with the courtesy of a written request for permission. 




Tree Dude Border 1 copyright 2012 Mona Gersky

Tree Dude Border 2 copyright 2012 Mona Gersky


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Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Retired Central CT Real Estate Broker

And those sheep are probably wondering why the paparazzi stopped there. Thanks or sharing

Feb 12, 2012 12:50 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

May you find yourself staying warm today. We, in Southwest Florida, are going to have the unusual task of staying warm today.

Feb 12, 2012 12:52 AM
Leslie G. Rojohn
MoonDancer Realty - Sylva, NC
GRI, ABR ~ MoonDancer Realty

Wow!  A very long six legged sheep!  No wonder it's looking sheepish.

Feb 12, 2012 12:57 AM
Sharon Lee
Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance - Jonesborough, TN
Retired and loving life

That is a big sheep and I can't tell if there is two sheep or one cause there is too many legs. It is cold at 22* here but the wind is making it much colder. Yesterday was very winder and it made it very cold.  Hope you and Leslie are doing well.

Feb 12, 2012 01:06 AM
Sheila Anderson
Referral Group Incorporated - East Brunswick, NJ
The Real Estate Whisperer Who Listens 732-715-1133

Good morning Mona. What a terrific photo. What weather you had. I'm glad it was a productive day for you yesterday.

Feb 12, 2012 01:37 AM
Mona Gersky
MoonDancer Realty, Dillsboro,NC - Sylva, NC
GRI,IMSD-Taking the mystery out of real estate.

Hi Ed, probably not near as much as those Great Pyrenees! lol  I'll post photos of them later!

Hello Wayne, mother has already informed me that I mentioned the 8 degree weather just so her 38 degree weather didn't seem so bad.

Good observation Leslie.  I guess it does look like there are extraneous legs.

Hello Sharon, Leslie is fine, thanks for asking.  They were both big sheep...not that I'm a sheep expert by any stretch of the imagination.

Sheila, the weather was really bitter.  Sure glad the vehicle was warm.

Feb 12, 2012 05:44 AM
Karen Hawkins, MBA - Langley & Surrey, BC
Royal Pro Real Estate Network - Langley, BC

I'll bet those sheep are really glad for their wool coats in the frosty weather, Mona!  Nice to see that they don't dock their tails. Looking forward to seeing photos of the Great Pyrenees - could kinda fit in with the white sheep picture too, no? :-)

Feb 12, 2012 06:50 AM
Mona Gersky
MoonDancer Realty, Dillsboro,NC - Sylva, NC
GRI,IMSD-Taking the mystery out of real estate.

Hi Karen, I'll post them later tonight, promise.  I think you'll like them too.

Feb 12, 2012 09:02 AM