Showing property or snowing property yesterday in Waynesville was a pleasant adventure in spite of the 25-30 mile wind gusts and the below freezing temperatures. If we had waited until today to look at houses, we would have been greeted by this morning’s temperature of 8 degrees with the wind chill taking us below zero.
Not only did we identify a few very good candidates for the buyers’ short list of homes but they brought their daughter, a professional photographer, with them. If the weather had been a tad more pleasant, I can see that we would have stopped far more often for photo ops. As it was, we did stop at someone’s beautiful property near the Cataloochee entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to take a few pictures of their sheep, chickens and Great Pyrenees. Today, I’ll share with you the photo I’m calling “Looking Sheepish”.
The sun is shining here now and I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.