
Introduction to making your Real Estate Videos:

Services for Real Estate Pros with Property Tube

Over the next two posts I’m going to talk about how to get started with making a real estate video. If you’re new to my blog, be sure to read my last blog post on “5 ways to make your Real Estate video a success” (Click Here), as it’s a good idea to bear those points in mind as you start making your video.  

 The first thing to understand is that there are a few different options when it comes to making real estate videos:  

1.     Video made from still or static images  

If you have five or six images of a real estate listing, you can create a video with these still images using software that converts your images to a video slide show. While many true video lovers see this as makeshift solution to an actual video, it’s still a perfectly valid form of video and can serve its purpose well if done properly.   When looking for software that can make stills videos, choose one the allows you to add both text and music, and that has the capability to zoom in and out of images. You can see a good example of a “still” video in this clip:


2.     Video made by yourself using your own handheld video camera or phone camera  

If you can do this properly, it’s a cost-effective way of making video that can really increase your chances of a sale. Bear in mind that using a camera requires a certain amount of skill and the best way to start this is by trial and error. In my next blog post, I’ll give you pointers for how to do this. (click Here to read)

3.     Video using a professional videographer  

If you don’t have time to do your own videos and have the budget, getting a videographer to make your video is the best way to get the most professional-looking product.  There are many videographers offering their services, so I’d advise you to start networking with one now. By building the relationship now, when you have an urgent listing that you want filmed immediately, you can pick up the phone and get the job done straight away. If you need help finding a videographer, take a look at our videographer directory on Property Tube (Click Here) 

Being prepared with these three video options ensures all your listings can be captured with a relative amount of ease. You can then Upload to - the video platform dedicated to the Real Estate industry.

Be sure to join the Active Rain Real Estate Video Group where everyone can share information about video.

Thanks, Antonio,

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Edward & Celia Maddox
The Celtic Connection Realty - Queen Creek, AZ

Thanks for sharing video info.  Really helps sell an idea or property.

Feb 13, 2012 03:38 AM
Ron Cooks
The Real Estate Marketplace - Killeen, TX
Texas Real Estate, Ft Hood/Killeen Homes for Sale

Antonio great info, I guess I have to blow the dust off of my 8mm camera and start shooting.

Feb 22, 2012 06:02 PM
Cindy Edwards
RE/MAX Checkmate - Johnson City, TN
CRS, GRI, PMN - Northeast Tennessee 423-677-6677

This is great information.  I think videos are so important and have been pretty good about making sure every listing has one.

Feb 22, 2012 08:14 PM
Antonio Bruni
Property Tube - Vail, CO

Hi Ron,

Yes, blow that dust of your camera and start shooting video. It's fun, exciting and most importantly it will help your listings achieve the results you looking for....

Cindy, great that you using video - be sure to join the Active Rain Real Estate Video group when you have a chance.. Everyone can share their experiences using video in this group....


Feb 22, 2012 09:38 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Ron has quite a sense of humor. I remember 16mm film projects in college and animations that were fun. But looking back at how easy it is now with video, software and desk top publishing, the old days were dog and pony primitive. Son Alex who works at A Basin is off and headed to Steamboat today...says there was four feet of pow-DAHHHHH! You are in the area for super downhill "swish swish".

Feb 22, 2012 10:34 PM
Eric Salonga
The Salonga Brothers at Reed Realty - Ceres, CA
Your Key to the Central Valley

Thanks for sharing Antonio.  I can't wait to get started and post my first Real Estate video!


Feb 23, 2012 02:45 AM
Wes Neal
Wes & Company - Tumwater, WA
The expertise you expect and attention you deserve

Thanks for sharing Atonio,


I picked up a couple of cool tips that I will try!!

Feb 23, 2012 06:39 AM
Greg Gillespie
GumTree Realty / Genesis Realty Services,Inc - Tupelo, MS
CRS / Broker Owner

Thanks for the post.  I am getting ready to do my very first video, non professional of course, and I will be coming back to this on. 

Feb 23, 2012 09:11 AM
Antonio Bruni
Property Tube - Vail, CO

Hi Eric & Greg,

Great, - be sure to Upload it to PropertyTube and send me the link - would love to see the first one.

Wes - glad i can help with the tips.


Feb 23, 2012 11:29 PM