
It Always Makes Sense to Open House Any Day of the Year

Real Estate Agent with Lucky Star Realty

Sooo.  In today's Crescent City, CA newspaper there were absolutely no advertisements for Open Houses by any Realty company.  Therefore, today I have no direct competition with my Open House.  I've had a couple of visitors.  One has invested already and just wanted to see how steady the prices were.  Another couple was looking more for something to rent.

I have been able to meet alot of great people, but it seems that all of their money is tied up in day to day activities.  Many of the people that I have met during my Open Houses seem to be struggling just to make ends meet, and do not have enough discretionary spending available to invest in another property or primary residence.

Credit and loan approvals have become lost arts to the typical consumer as many people's credit is less than perfect, while their jobs are still earning less than what they would need for a minimum mortgage payment on even the lowest priced homes available.  Home Ownership is the goal that most have realized to be important, but renting seems to be more of a viable option for these folks.

Even though I did not get to write any offers this weekend, I think it did make sense to Open House this Thanksgiving Weekend.  I was able to meet some people who may eventually be capable of purchasing a home.  When they do become ready, they may choose me because I took the time to answer all of their questions when last we met.

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Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

Patience & Persistence, Wes, Patience & Persistence.

Search AR for "Open House" and some good posts will pop up that give some ideas on driving traffic to open houses.

I thought the Neighborhood Garage Sale was a great idea.

Nov 24, 2007 09:49 AM
Thavisak Lucky Syphanthong
Lucky Star Realty - Crescent City, CA
I agree with Erby, patience and Persistence are Key to becoming successful in this industry, who knows, the next caller could be the one that makes a big purchase and becomes your client, as well as a friend for life, look at what happen with us!:)
Nov 25, 2007 01:45 PM
Gary J. Rocks
Juba Team Realty - Jefferson Township, NJ


Good luck with those open houses, I don't like doing them on any-day too many bad people out there. I much rather have the opportunity to interview these people on neutral ground than to be stuck in a house with a lunatic.

Nov 25, 2007 01:55 PM