
The day after Thanksgiving Discounts?

Real Estate Agent with JC Penny Realty

This weekend I have been speaking with a lot of different people about the November 23rd sales.

People waking at 3 am to go shopping, camping out in front of the department store for 2 days, standing in line in the wee hours of the morning in front of the closed store and even waiting over 2 hours in line to pay for thier purchase.

I went out one year on "black Friday" just to see what deals were really out there. Needless to say, I went to one store and them straight home. I am not a shopper. I have my list of items I would like to purchase before I get to the store and I hope to be out just as fast as I went in.  Yes, I know,  gasp, a female that doesn't like to shop!  lol

I was just wondering what kind of deals people received this weekend. Inquiring minds would like to know. So, please share if you stayed home this weekend or went out shopping.


I hope everyone had a wonderful day of Thanksgiving with friends and family. My granddaughter had me tied around here little finger for most of the day.



Jackie Fortier

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