
Is your website Out-Dated? Do you need a fresh new look?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Cinch Media

Improve your Website Performance with an Affordable Website ReDesign!

If you goal is to make an impact on users and become a recognized online brand then it is time to update your website. Not only does your website get a fresh, clean, new look - a redesign will also provide improved website visibility. We will take your existing site content and make changes and edits that will ensure your website looks more interesting and is brought to current web standards.

The evolution of technology is constantly changing in the field of web design, and many sites appear out of date. Rather than building a completely new website you can now use our affordable redesign service to make appropriate and necessary adjustments.

What are The Benefits of a Website ReDesign?

The most important benefit is the improved SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which improves your website visibility and gives better rankings within the search engines. A redesign will also include a clean simple navigation structure which will intrigue users and they will continue to browse your site for longer. It incorporates new tools of highlighting your products or services, which leads to expansion of your business. Most importantly, it will improve your website performance through utilizing the latest trends in website development. Overall, a website redesign give you an excellent opportunity to upgrade your website while helping to reduce your costs.

Our Website ReDesign services include:

  • Evaluating Your Current Website
  • Providing a New Layout Concept
  • Website Content Analysis
  • Improved Navigation and Functionality
  • Fresh Clean Look to Your Site
  • SEO

We offer an affordable website redesign service which provides you with an opportunity to enhance efficiency and generate more leads. Call us today for a website redesign consultation. (616) 402-3528


Learn more at

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Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Beth:  I have no worries about how my website looks... but my BODY sure is 'Out-Dated."  Any chance you can give ME a "fresh new look ?"  I would not mind looking aboug fifty years "fresher."  <dorky grin> 

Feb 14, 2012 09:15 AM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

I see you are almost a Newbie here on Active Rain... soooo... Welcome to Active Rain.

I also see you have your own media company.  I am guessing that you would love for a whole bunch of Active Rainers to make use of your services.  If that is the case... I have some suggestions.

Active Rain has something called the "Groups Feature."  Active Rain encourages us to "include" each and every post we write in the maximum of five of these Active Rain Groups.  Each "Group" you include your post in... gives you an entirely different collection of Active Rainers to display your post to. 

Right now you are not using any groups, and are only using the "Michigan Real Estate News" link... and the Ottawa County MI Real Estate News" link.  Because you are not using any Active Rain groups... your posts are almost invisible.

Here is a tutorial post I wrote for my Active Rain friends. * Using the Active Rain "Groups" Feature.  I suggest you make use of the information and suggestions in my tutorial.

If you do, I think you will see your traffic, and your comments, increase quite a bit.  Best of luck to you... and if I can help some more.... please email me, or write a comment on this post, and I will see it.

Feb 14, 2012 09:28 AM
Beth Reeths
Cinch Media - Grand Haven, MI

Thank you Karen!  I just joined about an hour ago, and am anxious to begin networking.  I truly appreciate your assistance!

Feb 14, 2012 09:33 AM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Wow, Beth.  You just joined an hour ago, and already you have written FOUR posts ?  Fabulous.  I think I will subscribe to your blog.  I invite you to subscribe to mine.

By the way... Active Rain will be "down" tonight from 8PM and on.  Server switching and maintenance.  ActiveRain Server Upgrades and Scheduled Downtime 2/14/2012

Feb 14, 2012 10:36 AM
Beth Reeths
Cinch Media - Grand Haven, MI

Thanks Karen - I had cut and pasted in my former blog posts from my website blog (  I will be subscribing to your blog... and I appreciate your assistance!

Feb 14, 2012 01:18 PM