When asked by my potential or current clients, or just anyone in general, what my feelings are about Open Houses, I have a tough time keeping a straight face. The following can take a seat for now: All you agents who are anxious to jump up and down about how you sold this or that home to a person that just happened to stroll into your Open House and "absolutely fell in love with the place". I have a few comments about that situation:
1. If the buyers were that seriously in the market for a home, do you honestly believe that in this era of technology and bombardment of information that going to Open Houses is their main way of searching for the right home?
2. Do you really believe that these buyers would not have discovered this house had you not parked your butt there on Sunday (or Saturday, or Tuesday - because you know that's when the "rich" housewives will stop by) for three hours?
3. Oh, please!
Open Houses serve one purpose and one purpose only...to get potential buying clients for the poor sap that is sitting in the house. Oops, did I let our little secret out?
If you, as an agent (or assistant), look at this as a productive way to prospect for buyers then I have but one thing to say. "How much floor time can I get?"
If your a passive prospector and wait for the leads to fall into your lap, what kind of advocate are you going to be for your listing clients? Are you going to think while at the Christmas party, "hmmm, Sally just mentioned that her niece was looking for a home. Boy what she is looking for sounds an awful lot like my listing on Beautiful Lane. I'm going to get Sally's niece's number and give her a call"? No, you're going to be at the Christmas party waiting for someone to chase you down, tell you what a great person you are, how much confidence they have in you and "will you put your sign in my yard (because you are my neighbor you know)?".
Why don't we save everyone a bit of time and nix the Open Houses. As a listing client, you will be saved from:
1. Cleaning your home on Saturday night or Sunday morning so it looks perfect.
2. Figuring out what to do for three hours on a Sunday (Isn't the typical NFL game three hours? Can you say, "Some stranger is sitting in my lazy-boy right now"?)
3. Your neighbors finally finding out what kind of prescription medication you are taking.
4. Your neighbors teenage son realizing that you are on vicodin and putting the bottle in his pocket.
And on, and on, and on...
As a buying client, you're not really spending $3.15/gallon shopping for a home are you? Use your Realtor's gas, not yours! We can go see these homes anytime and you don't have to worry about bumping into 10 other people in the "lavish master suite walk-in closet". You also don't have to worry about the listing agent (or his assistant) hounding you throughout the house showing you how great it is.
As a Realtor or Broker or assistant - Give up the passive prospecting. Pick up the phone, get in your car and make yourself a star...and a heck of a lot of cash!
Phew. I feel better now. Thanks.