Having spoken to literally thousands of real estate professionals over the last 7 years, till today, the one thing I could almost guarantee that the majority are not doing marketing wise is using video to tell the story of - What's it's like to live here.
To me, that is a huge untapped opportunity for an agent, broker or brand.
From listings to statistics, the types of information consumers are finding on many real estate websites is starting to look the same. No wonder consumers have a hard time differentiating, from the surface, who to choose.
Create unqiue content that your competion simply cannot. As bloggers, each of you knows exactly what i'm talking about. Blogging gives each of you a voice to share your knowledge and local market experise in fun and creative ways. Video, done well, can be as powerful or even more powerful as blogging has been for you.
According to emarketer, over 50% of the US population is consuming online video. But Rudy, what does that really mean to me as a real estate professional?
Well, it means that there is a great number of folks that are craving video. If you were to write a blog post and insert a video into the blog post, which do you think they would consume first? Actually, which did you consume first in this instance?
I added a fantastic hyper-local real estate listing video by my good friend Loren Sanders to the top of this blog post. Come on, admit it, did you watch that first of read the entire blog post first?
If it were me, I would have watched the video first. Simply because it's easier to click play and listen.
Now imagine that property listing video was front and center on your listing details page along side the typical listing info? Do you think consumers would read all the details of the listing first or just click play?
I'm thinking, with my consumer hat, that if I searched for listings within my specific parameters, and 5 search results appeared, I would click on the one with a video first. But hey, that's just me. And I'm in that 50% group I mentioned above.
Now I've got tons more examples on this topic and it just so happens that I will be hosting a special Active Rain only educational webinar on Real Estate Video, The Winning Strategy next week.
Time to go and watch some more awesome real estate videos.....