
Mill Creek Property – 3 Things To Remember

Real Estate Agent with THE FORCE REALTY

Mill Creek Property – 3 Things To Remember

 20 miles north of the Seattle area, you will find a quiet community of Mill Creek. The area is ranked roughly 19th in terms of per capita income, and is one of the areas most often traveled to for those that want to live outside of the hustle and bustle of the city, yet want to stay within close proximity. The area is in the Snohomish county area and has a great deal of educational aptitude compared to other Northwest areas. For those that are looking to invest in Mill Creek Property or simply want to capture that American Dream of home ownership, there are a few things that should be considered and remembered before finally making a purchase.

 Mill Creek Property

  • Budget – The first thing that should be considered in regards to purchasing a new home is to look into the financial picture of the family. Assess your budget and make sure that you’re not going to borrow more than you can afford to pay back. This is something that many people neglect to do, then find themselves in a financial mess. Make sure to put your best foot forward by taking a major audit of your financial picture.
  • Home Inspection – Even if you have been looking through a variety of Mill Creek property and have narrowed down your search to a select few options, make sure that you get a home inspection. You might end up purchasing a nice façade, but inside could be a lot of problems. Don’t be a victim, make sure that you take your time, select the right option and ensure that it passes the inspection. If an inspection is completed and the home passes, you can rest assured that the investment is solid.
  • Mortgage Rates – You might not be aware of this, but you are allowed to shop around for the best mortgage rate you can get. You don’t have to settle with a first estimate or anything like that. As a consumer and future home owner, you have the right to look around at whatever options you find, and make sure that your interest rate is not too high. There are some adjustable rate options as well, and that might be something to consider, but beware of the options that shift too often, or that are hard to pay back. Consider whether you want to invest 15 or 30 years and then make the proper decision moving forward.


It’s something that anyone would want to invest into after looking through the available properties. The small town charm mixed with the big city proximity is definitely something that will have most people charmed. If you’re one of those that would love to invest in the charm of a small city but don’t want to be so far away from the large metropolis, this is your best bet in the Northwest. No other option gets you so close, and yet so far at the same time. Always take your time, and make sure you’re getting the best deal.

View all available homes for sale in and around Seattle at our easy to navigate websites below.

Mill Creek Property
Mill Creek Property
