Are you disgusted by all those unsolicited credit card offers clogging up your mailbox? Tired of lugging catalogs and junk mail to the recycling bin? All of this unwanted mail creates nothing but headaches and wastes paper, so it’s no wonder putting an end to it is a priority for many people. While you can’t eliminate everything, you can noticeably reduce the avalanche of paper in your mailbox just by picking up the phone or hopping online.
Here are a few wimple ways to put a kibosh on the heaps of junk mail that keep piling up:
- So Long Pre-Screened credit offers: If your credit is anywhere near good, credit bureaus- Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – are selling your name to credit card companies as hot prospects. That’s why you are getting those “You’ve been pre-approved” offers every day.
- Put an end to it by calling 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688). You will need to provide your name, address, telephone number, social security number and date of birth to ensure your opt-out request matches your credit record rather than someone else who shares your name. You can also opt out via the internet at: . If you are not comfortable disclosing your social security number and date of birth, the online form does not require this information. However, it is strongly urged that you do provide this information to ensure your request it properly processed, and it protects your information from unauthorized access.
- Opting out is good for 5 years however, if you want to be removed permanently there is a form you can fill out at Remember, this won’t stop all credit card offers- only those that result from screening your credit report. Your bank or Credit Card Company may still send you offers for new credit or share information about you with other companies.
- Jettison the junk mail: you can reduce the other types of junk mail- magazine offer, sweepstakes and the other national advertising mail- by contacting the Direct Marketing Association’s (DMA) Mail Preference Service (MPS). This opt-out lasts for five years and can be renewed. There is no charge for registering. Go to
- Cut out the Catalogs: when you buy something from a mail-order catalog, your transaction is likely to be reported to Abacus, a company that complies a cooperative database of catalog and publishing companies customers. Your name is then sold to other mail-order companies that send you catalogs and offers. This explains why you are likely to receive several unsolicited catalogs after ordering anything by mail. To opt out of the Abacus database visit their website at
You’ll have to notify companies yourself that do not participate in the DMA and Abacus opt-out programs. Contact the customer service department and request that your name and address not be shared with other companies. Contact magazines, charities, nonprofit organizations and professional associations to which you have either donated money or joined. It may take a few months to see results, but eventually the mess in your mailbox will thin out!
Thank you for reading my blog & Happy Fat Tuesday!
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