Surviving Your Serengeti: What Happened Next?
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Surviving Your Serengeti: What Happened Next?
About the only thing Santa Fe and the Serengeti and Social Media have in common is the letter S. The climate zones, the geography, the animals along with cultures, lifestyle, food and everything in between is radically different. Yet, somehow the gift of a book, Surviving Your Serengeti and learning to adapt to Social Media made be see new connections from my Santa Fe window of real estate.
It was only a year ago that I wrote this post Surviving Your Serengeti - Which Animal Are You? Stefan Swanepoel connected this Realtor in Santa Fe to the plains of the majestic Serengeti - all online! Here is what happened to me then and now one year later. I took the What Animal Am I quick quiz and discovered I was a crocodile. Yikes, I thought! Then, I learned I if I was a crocodile person in the Serengeti I was an enterprising person who explored all options and boldly seizes every opportunity. Yes, I have the skills of a crocodile! And if I were a crocodile in the Serengeti, my life would depend on it.
Yet, what does it mean to be a crocodile living in Santa Fe NM in 2012 selling real estate? It meant I needed to quickly think out-of-the-box every day! Given, we do not have a zoo in Santa Fe or any living crocodiles on our historic Plaza to observe, I had to find some new venue to sharpen and explore my skills. Using my crocodile imagination, I turned my Serengeti into the new wild and bold landscape of social media. Here is what happened next.
Over the past year, I discovered a new passion for exploring how people make decisions using social networking online. I found loved telling real estate stories using social media tools. Today, I publish a column in the Santa Fe New Mexican Homes Magazine on social networking. And I work to stimulate our local economy by sponsoring Breaking Santa Fe News, an aggregate of twitter feeds in real time about Santa Fe. Recently, I began a mastermind group at Santa Fe Properties to help my peers discover how social media can work for them. When you are uncertain about using new tools it does help to have a support group to learn something new, especially given how social networking changes in a nanosecond.
If you are looking for new ways and ideas to work in our new landscape of real estate, I hope this post will inspire you to make a difference in your environment. Why not explore Surviving Your Serengeti to find new ways to thrive in this coming year.If you read the book or took the quiz over the past year, what happened to you next?
Surviving Your Serengeti is not only a fable of self-discovery, it is truly a refreshing new perspective on how to see the challenging times in your own life and work differently.Stefan Swanepoel walks his talk. He donates a percentage of each sale of the book to theAfrican Wildlife Foundation. This post and past review was not solicited by the author.
The Santa Fe real estate market is a local one. Real estate news reports and trends in other communities does not apply here. If you are thinking about selling your home or considering a lifestyle change in relocating to Santa Fe, I suggest you give us a call at 505-660-4541 to schedule a real estate consultation. No one has time or money to waste in this new landscape of real estate. We are available to help you and make a positive difference in your real estate experience. Remember, dreams can be made a reality when you act on them. Emily Medvec
Today, I work as a team with Ulla Allyn. Together we represent buyers and sellers in all price ranges in Santa Fe and throughout northern New Mexico. All Listings on this site are represented by both of us. Our mission is to save you time and money whether you are buying or selling any form of Santa Fe real estate, including homes, land, town homes, condominiums, ranches and commercial property.
[Disclaimer Notice: If this post includes a listing, the listing information is deemed reliable from the Santa Fe Association of Realtors as of the date it is written. After that date, the listing may be sold, listed by another brokerage, cancelled, pending or taken off the market or the price could be changed without notice. All opinions expressed are solely those of the author and not Active Rain or Santa Fe Properties, Inc. unless otherwise specified.]