Pinterest, PLEASE
Oh yes. Another thrilling post about Pinterest, the new kid on the block. Much like the rise of hit music sensation, Rebecca Black, there was just as much hype as there was criticism.
I'll be honest: my initial reaction to Pinterest was not pleasant. It seemed to be an arena for women and I would not let my manly ego dip so low as to participate for the mere sake of social media. Yet months have passed and Pinterest really has grown on me.
I won't go too much into detail in terms of SEO, copyright infringement and what this means for agents, or social media gurus or the average Joe. Rather, I would encourage those on Pinterest, or those not on Pinterest, to actively ask yourself how this fits into conversation?
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain
This post was inspired by my friend, Jeff Turner. If you get a chance to read his post, Of Pinterest And The Importance of Quality Conversations , you'll find I am almost completely ripping off his topic and Jeff, (if you're reading this) that was my attempt to give you credit for our conversation :).
So why is Pinterest so popular? Let's be honest: conversation has gotten lazy and shallow. Twitter allows some conversation but it's easy to get lost in the noise even if you are consistent. Facebook and Google+ allow for more opportunities but still on the whole are based upon "+1s", or "Likes". In fact, I would say blogs are the last sanctuary for meaningful conversation. Yet even as I write this, I question how worthy this will be and I almost (due to laziness) quit multiple times.
But Pinterest is a beautiful culmination of all the lazy practices of social media. You have your visuals, you have "Re-Pins", "Like" buttons and comment buttons. Yet given my experience on Pinterest on the Like and Re-Pin buttons are really the only ones ever used and really, what conversation can be had just by re-pinning someone's picture?
The simple answer to this?
My Final Word
But wait, Eric, if you're all about meaningful conversation, doesn't this mean that Pinterest should be something to avoid?
There are those who believe that Pinterest is just a fad. That it will fade due to its lack of substance. However, I think Pinterest will be around for a LONG time and this is why. My search for social networks that provide meaningful conversation exist such as at Active Rain. It is important for me to retain this ability in order to build relationships with others, but at the same time there needs to be a starting point before I dive into such depths.
So Twitter and Pinterest aren't exactly the greatest platforms to express myself. I think it is important for those on Pinterest and those who have doubts to look at it differently than just a site to post and share pictures. It is a place where I can take a conversation with an existing friend and lighten it up by sharing a picture I found. Or a place to make new friends by sharing our common interest captured in a picture and developing our friendship elsewhere such as on Facebook or Twitter.