One year to the day! I met my clients the Friday after Thanksgiving 2006 showing them a home I had listed at the time. They loved the house however they still had a house to sell out of state. By the time they sold their place my listing was sold. They made four more trips this way and we would look at 15-25 homes each time they came through. We even wrote up three offers how ever the owners we're not willing to budge from their asking price. Well the Friday after Thanksgiving 2007 we got an accepted offer and they will be in their new home before Christmas. This truly is the most rewarding sale for me today. It took of hard work and perseverance to make it finally all come together. I even had some of my fellow realtor's tell me I was waisting my time. Well, they love their new home and in the long haul they ended up getting more home than they would have gotten 6-9 months ago. The biggest part is they thanked me for sticking with them through this entire year. I responded with thanks for not giving up on me. They're are more family members moving here and I will have a opportunity to be thier agent. When the going gets tough the tough get going and the rewards are worth the actions!
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Coldwell Banker - Sacramento, CA
916-342-1372 / DRE# 01706589 Sacramento, CA
Good for you. Follow up and rapport with clients are critical pieces. Good luck with your transaction, and may you have a successful COE!
Nov 29, 2007 09:31 AM