
Drip Mail Campaigns

Real Estate Agent with Londonderry Realty

When was the last time that you did one of these?  Do you even know what a drip campaign is and how to set them up?

Until a few days ago I knew about them and I had been the receiver of them.  But I hadn't given them much thought until I read an unrealted blog post about sitting open houses.  One of the comments in the blog was about doing something different that the blogger hadn't done before in this market situation.

So I started to think of things I hadn't done in my marketing and got a drip campaign going.  I had a list of emails that were very specific that I had from a Paypal account I had from the sale of a book.  These were probably 1 - 5 months old.  I was able to take those email addresses and drop them into the program.  I adjusted a templated four-email drip campaign series specifically for my audience. 

Overnight I had 4 brand new prospects responding asking about the sale of their properties, giving just a bit of information and asking if we could meet plus two others saying they were going to be selling next year.  This was last night until today.  1 Day!  I've responded by phone and email and have set up 4 appointments to take 7 to 8 listings this weekend.  I'm amazed that in one day there could be such a response.

Now my point is;

1.  Do you have a list of clients, prospects, locals that have responded to your emails, your sent email folder... whatever, a set of emails that you can use for a drip campaign that you haven't used?

2.  Even if you haven't been in contact with the email receipient it's ok to set up a drip campaign with the addresses to target for a specific purpose.

3.  Does getting an email in front of 50-200 possible prospects or people that could refer business to you excite you a little bit.  It does me now and I'll look at email addresses and contacts I make with people alot differently after today.

There have been many reports and analyzing of buyers and sellers using the interenet as their number 1 method in their initial search for a purchase or a sale.  Why not send them an email to help them out.

So get on the Drip Campaign.





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Sal Poliandro - Helping People Win
RE/MAX Properties - Ridgewood, NJ
Broker Associate


    You are absolutely right. Sometimes the basics is what we all need a refresher course on.

Sal Poliandro - Bergen County Realtor

Nov 29, 2007 04:10 PM
Roberta LaRocca
Simply Vegas Real Estate - Las Vegas, NV
REALTOR®, Broker, Salesperson, NV. Lic BS.507
David, Great advice.  I don't have a big database yet, but a drip campaign sounds like something I should look into.
Nov 29, 2007 04:25 PM
ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - Bowie, MD
I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
I agree with you David. I see you have a Point2Agent website. I do too. I send my drip campaigns out to all my prospects just about every week. If only I can get them to come in the office. I know it is going to take some time,but it is taking a little longer than I expected. But this real estate market is definitely going to get better for all of us real estate agents. Great post.
Nov 29, 2007 04:25 PM
Find a Notary Public needAnotary
QEC Internet Services - Long Beach, CA
Good job David!  You have to go back to basics.  When I first started playing saxophone, everyone who knew something about music would tell me play your scales!  I now understand why; they are the basics. Email marketing is a basis in the digital age.
Nov 29, 2007 04:25 PM
Tony & Darcy Cannon
Aubrey and Associates Realty - Layton, UT
The C Team
David, thanks for the reminder!
Nov 29, 2007 04:35 PM
Lori Mode
The Mode Real Estate Group - Elk Grove, CA
Real Estate Made Simple

David -

I have used drip campaigns that were already set up through Top Producer and not had a considerable amount of luck with them, but I haven't really added my own touches to them yet.  Thank you for the reminder as this is something I have been meaning to do.  Now is a great time to get it done!

Nov 29, 2007 04:57 PM
David Kreitel
Londonderry Realty - Kingman, AZ

This was as easy it we could make it.  This was our first email in the series.

Are you ready to sell? 

First I would like to thank you for purchasing the Mohave County, AZ Road Guide. As someone interested in Mohave County you may know that Mohave County is the fifth largest county in the United States and the challenge to completing the book along with the time was the ability to complete it quickly enough for it be current. 

I would like to invite you to visit our website, and take a look at the systems that we use.  Our agents are licensed in three states, Arizona, Nevada and Utah.  This wide variety allows us to market properties to a wide variety of investors. We also use our exclusive 1-800 number system which allows us to get in direct contact when someone calls about one of our properties.  These are just a few of the ways we sell properties.

When you decide to sell please keep us in mind as your representatives in the transaction.  If you have any questions that I can answer don't hesitate to call.
I look forward to hearing from you.

This goes out with all of our info.  What a great system I love Drip Campaigns.

Nov 29, 2007 05:09 PM
Brian Lee Burke
Kenna Real Estate - Lone Tree, CO
Broker & Advising Expert-Kenna Luxury Real Estate
We too use drip e-mail campaign/s and have been using them for awhile. We have specific drip e-mails depending on what are the sellers/buyers needs (i.e.) moving soon, later etc. It is amazing how months and sometimes years later you get a response and sell somebody a house. We just got somebody under contract who we put on a campaign last year (2006) in August. Keep up the good work and you will keep on being amazed how well the drip campaigns can work for you.
Nov 29, 2007 05:20 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

We invite you back to ActiveRain.  

We would welcome your return!

Aug 13, 2017 03:12 PM